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The conversation I had with Avien was...Odd.

Now that I think of it, this town is odd.

Very odd.

Avien talked to me like we've known each other for years, even though there were a few snarky comments here and there, the way he spoke to me was different. Not the usual way he addresses me, like I crawled out of the gutter.

It was..sincere? Like he was genuinely worried.

I had to stop myself from asking too many questions about his weird behavior.

He talked a lot about Ms. Marge, saying I should look into her more.

Like that's not what I've been trying to do.

Avien told me to look out for suspicious activity and to be careful around the principal. I was beyond confused. Where was all this coming from? Is he bipolar? Was he having an episode?

Lastly, before the bell rang, Avien told me the most confusing thing of all.

'I know your secret.'

He said it so casually, ignoring my sudden uneasiness. The second he said that line, I went stiff and held my breath, my head swirled with a million thoughts.  I'm still thinking about it.

Does he know?

Or was he just messing with me?

It's probably the second one.

Avien knows I've been going to therapy. It's also likely he knows about my 'diagnosis' so, he could just be messing with my head.

But then...

Ms. Marge is in the Legion.

So maybe Avien was telling the truth?

I don't know.

Anyways, enough of that for now.

I was finishing up one of my assignments when a faint knock was heard at the door. "Yeah?" I called, inviting the person in. Michelle opened up and poked her head through the crack, smiling, "Hey Gwen."

"Hey." I greeted, spinning around in my chair so I could face her, "What's up? Lessons from Simone again?"

Michelle shook her head and entered the room, closing the door behind her. "Actually, I thought we could just hang out for a bit." She said looking past me, "Or are you busy? We can do it another time-"

I interrupted, closing my textbook, "No, it's okay. I just finished. So, the four of us? Simone, Jay, you and me?"

"No just Jay you and me." Michelle corrected, "Simone is busy," she paused with a huff, "As usual."

I tapped my fingers on the desk, thinking, "Alright. Where are we going?"

Michelle smirked, "You'll see."

                                                                           * * *

The three of us rode our bikes into the woods. I asked Michelle why we were there since I don't really have a lot of good memories from the woods, you know, with the Avien trying to make me blind episode.

"You'll see~" Michelle sang, doing a little happy dance for the third time that day. She wore a mischievous grin that made me feel a little uneasy.

"You've been saying that." Jay complained, lazily trudging along with his blue bike, kicking some rocks in the way. "Look, if you're planning to murder us you might as well do it now."

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