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"No you're not going. I don't want to hear it."

Aunt Cecilia was scolding me on the drive back home from therapy. I asked her if I could go to Arielle's party.

"But everyone in our grade is going. Please let me go too." I tried to reason slowly leaning forward from the back seat. My heart beating in anticipation then sinking when I heard the next sentence.

"Simone isn't going." She said, "Why do you have to?" Her eyes briefly met mine in the front view mirror.

"Simone doesn't want to go." I explained, "But I do and Michelle and Jay will be there."


Huffing, I sunk back down into my chair finally deciding to give up. I glanced out the window and let out a silent sigh imagining the party without me. Nothing much would've changed but I wanted to be there because of Arielle since she seemed keen on my attendance.

Simone who was in the passenger seat on her phone stood up for me, "Maybe you should let Gwen go mom." She suggested softly to her mother who was looking straight ahead at the empty road we were driving on, the car took a turn."This is her first party in Narviven after all. It could give her a chance to make some new friends."

I pushed myself upwards.

"Not after what she did to that poor Linda." My aunt shook her head and took another turn onto our street.

I sunk back down.

"Lisa." Corrected Simone.

"I told her I was sorry." I said, paused and added, "I really am." That last bit was a lie but I was desperate. I got up again and leaned forward a second time to prove my point.

"Please mom just let her go." Simone begged, putting her palms together and making a face. I did the same but let Simone do the puppy eyes.

"Pleasee." We begged in chorus.

My aunt hesitated. She parked the car and stopped the engine then turned to look at me who was wearing the biggest sulk known to man. She then shook her head and sighed after glancing at Simone. "Fine. You can go but you must be home by ten."

"Yes!" I exclaimed cheerfully, "Thank you so much!"

Later, Michelle was in my room with me helping me pick an outfit while Jay waited in the living room sitting with Simone who was watching a Romcom.

The room was a mess because nothing I owned was 'good enough'. I sat on my bed and watched as Michelle mercilessly trashed my wardrobe. "No..no...not at all...definitely no!" She muttered to herself throwing one of my hoodies on the floor.

Jay knocked on the door, "Aren't you girls done yet? We're getting late."

"Go away!" Michelle screeched admiring a pair of my black ripped jeans. "Fashion is a Science. You can't rush it!"

I just rolled my eyes as she tossed the jeans on my head. I heard Jay mumble "Whatever." Before his retreating footsteps.

"Aha!" Exclaimed Michelle triumphantly. "Finally an outfit your style and an outfit that doesn't make you look depressed!"

On Simone's bed, Michelle had arranged a white crop top with some ripped black jeans and ankle boots.

"I'm not wearing that." I dead panned getting up to fix the mess on the floor.

Michelle sulked with disappointment, her pink lips making a small pout. "But why? Is it because of the crop top? Or maybe the shoes you don't like? We can add a jacket if you want and maybe a choker." She rummaged through the wardrobe again and brought out one of my black leather jackets.

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