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When Jay, Simone and I got home later that day, we realized someone was moving into one of the previously vacant apartments.

This was interesting because no one had told us anything about a new tenant.

"Ooo! New neighbors." Jay smiled, sipping the chocolate milkshake he bought earlier that day. It made loud slurps as he drank from the straw. Simone rolled her eyes at this.

"We should welcome them." She suggested, "Let's see who it is."

Quietly, we entered the apartment since the door was left ajar. Simone was sure to knock, making our presence known by calling out, "Hello? Is anybody home? It's your new neighbors."

I personally was against this informal greeting; I mean who would want a couple of random teens barging into their house to say 'hello'?

I wouldn't.

Of course, Jay and Simone didn't care so I didn't protest. It was two against one. Protesting would be futile.

Someone came into sight, a short woman who looked around fifty wearing a homemade apron around a blue dress that looked like it could be from the early sixties. Upon closer inspection, I realized the woman I was looking at was Ms. Marge from school. She had that same old grin I could recognize anywhere.

"Oh, hello Ms. Marge." Simone greeted with a wave and bright smile. "Sorry we entered without permission, we did knock."

Ms. Marge smiled, showing us her surprisingly clean pearly whites. The teeth were crooked but ironically clean which was odd, "Yes, yes I heard you. Don't worry about it. You lot are the kids from school, right?"

The three of us nodded in unison and the lunch lady beamed, "What a small world! Please take a seat." She said gesturing to an old couch in the living room.

We obeyed and sat down on an old, dirty and torn up couch. It was a musty damp yellow with springs sticking out from the cotton fabric, they poked me and I think Jay too, but we tolerated the pain and sat upright, changing our sitting position from time to time.

"You're moving into Margaret apartments?" Jay asked once we were in a slightly comfortable position, "That's great!"

"Oh yes." Ms. Marge nodded, "I needed a break from the city, so I packed my things and came to Narviven. It's a lovely town, very peaceful and... useful."

"Why do you say that?" I inquired a bit rudely. I need to know what the woman is up to, she is part of the Legion, that's no secret, the evidence is right there. Even as I was sitting on the couch, I saw the symbol on her wrist, bold and clear. Ms. Marge is off, and she is not your average lunch lady.

"Well because, I'm...planning to open my own restaurant, yes." She tilted her head slightly, trying to make the lie believable. I saw right through her polite, old lady facade.


What a piece of baloney.

The woman went into her tiny kitchen and came out with some tea.

"That's a great idea!" Jay exclaimed, "Narviven really needs restaurants."

Ms. Marge sat down on her armchair with the tea and took a sip out of it. She stared at me while she did, making me very uncomfortable. It was as if she was studying me.

"Darling," she began setting her steaming tea down on her lap, narrowing her grey eyes at me curiously "I didn't notice it before, what happened to you?"

"Oh me?" I said, "I just..got into a fight." The lie came out almost like second nature.

I didn't want to tell my story to some Legion member. I had to be careful.

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