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After school, I cycled to Thomas' house alone. I didn't tell my friends or cousin where I was going.

I decided it was time to start searching for members of the Legion even if I didn't know what to do when I found them. I planned to ask Thomas some questions since it seemed he knew a lot about the DIVISION.

When I arrived at Thomas' house, I called out his name to make my presence known but he didn't show up. I heard footsteps rushing down the stairs and assumed it was him but instead of seeing a ghost boy, I saw a tall muscular man with a scruffy beard wearing orange overalls and holding a large box. He glared at me, and I stepped back.

"Oi!" The man yelled; he had a strong accent. "You aren't supposed to be 'ere and who's this Thomas? Ya boyfriend of some sort? Did you plan to meet him 'ere?" He shook his head, "Kids these days. I just don't understand em! Didn't you read the sign outside?"

"N-no." I stuttered, "I didn't see any sign."

The man sighed, shaking his head. He placed the box he was holding on the floor and pointed out the window.

Indeed, there was a sign outside. 'NO TRESSPASSING. WORK IN PROGRESS.' It read in all capitals. How did I miss it?

I mentally facepalmed, I'd never felt so stupid.

"I'm sorry, I must've missed it." I explained and the man grunted. "Yeah, yeah. Beat it kid. Your Thomas isn't 'ere."

I nodded and was about to leave when I suddenly stopped, I turned around and the man stared at me, "What?" He asked raising an annoyed eyebrow, arms crossed.

"Sorry," I began, "I'm just curious, What work is in progress?"

The man groaned, wiping some sweat off his nose "The former owners of this house are demolishing the building." He said, "Not that it's any of your business."

"Oh, thankyou." I said rushing out the door, a thousand questions on my mind.

Why were they demolishing the building?

What would happen to Thomas if they did?

Didn't he say something about souls being attached to their place of death?

If they destroyed Thomas' place of death, where would he go?

The thoughts were giving me a headache, making it hard to focus on the road as I cycled home.

That night, I had a dream. Poor Thomas was being dragged into a pit of fire by a cloaked figure with a skull head and horns. The figure was scary, his presence alone made chills run down my spine.

I tried to save Thomas in the dream but failed miserably.

I woke up in a cold sweat breathing heavily. The dream I had felt so real.

 A little too real.

I instantly knew I had to do something about the demolition. I had to stop Thomas' house from being destroyed. I had to save his spirit from HIM.

During the weekend, Midnight came to visit me. The kitten purred as I stroked her soft fur. She could tell something was wrong and had come to comfort me.

Simone entered the room and smiled, "I see your feline friend has come to visit." She said taking a seat beside me on the bed. Simone petted my spirit animal's fur. Midnight didn't purr, she even seemed a little tense.

As far as Simone was concerned, Midnight was a stray kitten that frequently visited. Not my shapeshifting spirit animal.

I shrugged, not paying much attention to what Simone was saying. I looked out the window, my mind drifting to Thomas and how I was going to save him.

"Are you even listening to me?" Simone asked, snapping me out of my daze.


My cousin frowned, "Gwen," she began, "You've been acting weird lately. Even Michelle and Jay have noticed. Are you hiding something?" she paused momentarily, "Is it about the accident?"

I froze then looked at my cousin, "No." I told her, "It's not about the accident. I've told you I'm getting better. There's no need to worry."

Simone looked down at Midnight who was now asleep on my lap. She was snoring softly. She looked adorable.

"Yeah..I know." she continued, "Is it Avien? Is he bothering you?"

I rolled my eyes, "Of course he is, you know that."

"No." Simone shook her head, "I mean is he bothering you...like...touching y-"

"What the fuck Simone!" I exclaimed making, Midnight jump.

Did she really think Avien was doing such things? He was a bully, but he hadn't done anything to me in that way.

I mean, why would he? Just look at me.

I'm a freak.

"Sorry," Simone continued, "I just assumed the worst-"

"It's okay." I said, "I know you care but I'm not being harassed by Avien in that way. I don't think he's that type of person."

Simone nodded, "Yeah, you're right, but if it's not him..What or who is it?" She asked, "I want to help you Gwen, you're my cousin. I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong. So, please tell me. I'll listen. I promise."

I nodded, "Yeah, I know. I'll tell you when I'm ready."

Simone seemed content with that answer and hugged me, I hugged back.

Suddenly, Jay barged into the room. He smirked when he noticed us.

"Sorry to interrupt your family therapy session," he said, "But, Michelle is here. She came to pick us up with her cool car."

"Ooo!" Simone squealed, "Yes!"

She rushed out of the room, Jay and I followed her close behind. We took the elevator downstairs and surely, Michelle was there dressed in her signature pink outfit. Behind her was a black Tesla. In it was a man, the driver dressed in all black.

"Let's gooooo." Michelle whined, "Dad said I need to be home by eight."

We were going to a cool arcade on the outskirts of Narviven.

When we got there, I didn't really have much fun. I tried to, but I just kept thinking about Thomas.

I was really worried about him.

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