viii-I Never Thought I'd See The Day-2️⃣

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Ahu and Kyrie are at the doctor's office. Ahu is closer to the final month now as Dr. Aliabadi put the due date around the end of May/beginning of June.

"Hey, how are we doing and feeling?"she asks, walking in, smiling at the couple.

"Feeling like I shoved a beach ball in my shirt."Ahu says while Dr. Aliabadi gets the machine ready.

"Everyone feels that way as they near the end. Any Braxton Hicks or other pain?"

"No. Just the usual strain on my back and fatigue."

Kyrie just stays quiet, holding Ahu's hand as she and the doctor talk. Kyrie is asked to put the light off as Dr. A turns the machine on. As the transducer moves, it shows their babies.

"They are perfect right now. They've moved into position, which I'm loving."Dr. A then has them hear the heartbeats."Heartbeat is right where we want it to be."

Kyrie smiles as she gets it all on the camera. Like Kylie, Kyrie and Ahu wants to get every moment on video to show the kids when they get older and to just have the memories on tape.

"Wow, look at that. The first set of twin Jenner grandkids."

Dr. Aliabadi laughs and stops the machine. Giving Ahu the paper to clean herself up as Kyrie turns the light back on. They then move to her office.

"So, I'm really happy about how everything is looking. Your babies are very healthy, the only thing I'm worried about is your blood pressure. Its a little higher than the last appointment."

"I thought as much."Ahu says when Kyrie looks at her with raised eyebrows."Its just with the launches and we've recently had a theft so I think that might have been a reason."

"Okay, its just with the high BP we risk preeclampsia, preterm birth, placental abruption, and cesarean birth-which I know you don't want to do."


"So, I'm going to have to put you on bedrest until your due date."

"I'm actually going to Palm Springs this weekend, that's okay right?"

"Driving or flying?"

"Judging by your tone, I should be driving down?"

"I'd prefer you to not do either but the your BP isn't too high, so driving yes because that way you can get to a hospital faster than having to land and all that."

Ahu nods as Kyrie writes down all of the things Dr. Aliabadi wants Ahu to do and what not to do. Once they were done, Kyrie takes Ahu out to a nice lunch at Karje.

Sab smiles at her boss and her wife. Ahu's mouth waters when she reads the menu. She knows that soon she wouldn't be able to use her pregnancy as an excuse to eat as much as she could.

"Let's hope that you make it to at least mid May."Kyrie says, watching her staff work.

"Me and you both. I'm just so ready to give birth, like, getting to hold them and doing it all over again."

"Its going to be a different kind of learning curve because we're going to deal with two at a time."

Ahu nods, playing with her necklace. As the due date comes closer, she couldn't help but grow excited at the notion of two kids. Kyrie looks at her wife and is hit by inspiration for a song. Asking for a notepad and pen from one of the waiters, she begins writing a few lyrics that had come to mind.

It's a worse or for better
A once upon a time
'Cause that's what loving you is like

Those eyes remind me of all of the long nights
Praying to God that you'd call
And I'm so glad you did
'Cause darlin', here now, I finally know
I know just how Romeo felt when she smiled
But they don't know your kiss

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