Chapter 1

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I sat in the meadows, the warm wind passing gently on my back as the wind carries my hair. My sketchpad in my hand as I drew a picture of the daisies that were scattered neatly in the distance. This was my control, the only thing keeping my sanity at bay from this corrupted place I reside.

I heard someone shouting my name and I got up to see my mother running towards me,"Julianna! Julianna." Upon reaching me she hunched over to catch her breath as if she's just ran a marathon. I gave her a confused look as I rested my hand on her back to help steady her.

"Mother surely there is a reason as to why you are this worked up." She nodded towards a piece of paper that was crumpled in her palms. I raised my eyebrows as she proceeded to open it.

"I saw this at the market today and I think it would be a fantastic idea if we attended" she said giving me a sly smile.

I slowly took the paper from her dreading the contents that were printed boldly across it.

I read the letter and my eyes immediately shot up to give my mother a sceptical look. It says,

"To my humble villagers King Louis invites you all to the town's feast that will celebrate the twenty fifth birthday of Prince Leonardo and a surprise announcement.

I looked up at her quizzically. "Mother the king always has a feast or have you been asleep for the last century."

"I know that Juli, this one is rumoured to be special, Prince Leonardo is turning twenty five and a new king he is subjected to be but in need of a new queen" she said wryly.

"So he's going to be king and he needs a queen what does that have to do with me?" I replied in an annoyed tone.

"You can at least attend, he may see you and fancy you".

"Don't be silly mother there a lot of rich maidens in town for him to choose from, I have no interest in his affairs nor shall I attend."

"Yes you will! All the wealthy townsmen will be there, your sister is already picking a dress and you shall do the same. I will not settle for my daughters marrying some bloke who can barely take care of himself while he sips away on a half empty bottle of Bourbon!" She said sternly.

Now come child your father is already waiting."

"Mother the concept you have of non wealthy man is far degrading and illusive. Father is not a wealthy man and you don't see him drinking his life away." I said irritated.

I walked passed her angrily, why does she even bother dragging us there. He says that everyone in the village is invited but yet the guards often turn down most of the people from entering the palace. While the rich folks freely walk pass with no trouble at all.

Which is completely hypocritical.

I rather stay at home with my sketch book and stare out into the horizon and let its beauty cast me in to a trance where I can elope in to sweet serenity, instead of being dragged to feast where the rich walk over us as if we are nothing more than the dirt that covers the earth.

As we entered the house, the sound of my sister rummaging through the closet filled the room. "Sarah, I do hope you know someone has to pack that back and it would certainly not be me". I said as I walked pass her.

"Oh hush, why are so down in the dumps. You should be frolicking with me. Do you think we can get to meet the Prince this time Juli?" She asked blissfully.

I looked up at her from my sketchpad." I hardly doubt it, maybe if we were of some importance".

"Don't be so modest Julianna, the palace could not hold everyone, so we just have to get there early."

I scoffed. "You must have hit your head far to many times, do you really believe the palace was filled? Your a bigger twit than I think if you fall for such rubbish." I said annoyingly.

"Mum! Julianna just called me a twit!" She shouted and I just grinned at her. She can be a real dunderhead at times.

My mother barged in to the room and gave us a angry stare."Why aren't you girls changed yet? Julianna do refrain from insulting your sister and get dressed."

"I already told you I was not attending" I replied not even looking up from my sketchbook.

I heard her make a noise as if I've just told her the world is ending now and I could feel the storm coming."Oh yes you are!, if you don't then you can sleep in the pig's den tonight young lady."

I raised my eyebrows at her."I choose the den" I said strongly turning my focus back to my sketch book.

Her face was fuming with anger and I could tell I just pushed her over the limit.

"Richard! Come in here and talk some sense into your daughter" she shouted.

"You really did it this time" my sister whispered to me.

I could hear the sounds of my father's boots echoing down the hallway as he approached us. My father was more reasonable than my mother, in fact he was the only one that made some type of sense around here.

"Margret what is the matter, I'm sure everyone within a five mile radius heard you" he said making me grin.

She pointed at me ."Your daughter has sniffed too many paint, she has convinced herself that she will not attend the feast, try talking some sense into her."

"Margret you can not force the child to go, I'm sure she has a very good reason as to why she rather stay at home" he said looking in my direction and I could tell it was more of a question than a statement.

"Why yes I do actually-" I said confidently. "I think it is a complete waste of time and I would much rather be doing something I like, such as this." I said holding up my sketch book.

My mother let out a huff."Do you think that book is going to take care of you and lavish you with gifts and money?. Look around Julianna if you do not marry a wealthy man then you will be nothing!."

The mood in the room grew thick as everyone was silent.

I heard my father sigh and I knew he too could do without this uncomfortable unnecessary amount of fighting.

I stood up in defeat."Fine, if you insist, but don't expect me to be a bit of interested in any predicament which I can assure you will occur".

My parents retreated to their room while me and my sister were deciding on what to wear. "Do you fancy this one Juli?" She asked holding up a blue dress with white frills around the neck and arms.

I scrounged up my nose in disgust."If i want to publicly embarrassed then sure why not I'll wear that". I said sarcastically.

"You know all you had to say is you don't like it, no need to be rude." She said and i rolled my eyes.

After an hour of dress hunting I decided on a simple white dress that flowed elegantly with silver sparkles around the neckline.

We then headed off to the King's feast. Before the night is over I may succumb to that sanity that's been slowly creeping up on me.

This is my first attempt at writing a book that is based on a prince and princess settings. Hope you enjoy it.


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