Chapter 18

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Louis POV

"Bernard, I have job for you".

"With the right price we can discuss something". He replied.

"The Queen has ran off, but I believe she may have something in her possession that could ruin me, find her before anyone else does. No one must never know of this".

" As you wish".


3 days later

"Your majesty, pardon me for the intrusion but you have been drinking your life away since she left".

I looked up from the table through hooded eyes to see one of the servants standing there." Does it matter if I drink myself to death?".

"Yes, you still have a image to keep".

"To hell with it all!".

"They'll find her do not worry Sire".

I sighed." What is your name?"

"Cecilia, your majesty"

"Your the first person that actually tried to speak with me since I fell into this inebriated state. Her parents have been crying nonstop and I knew they blamed me." I said as I turned to reach the bottle of brandy.

"Maybe I'm the only one who has grew tired of seeing you this way".

"I deserve it, all of it". I said as I took a shot

"Come, you need to get to bed I'll help you".

She was standing there twiddling her thumbs as though I made her nervous. But still she was not my Julianna..

I got up and walked over to the bed, stumbling as I go. She came to stand next to me as she tried to help steady me. When we reached the bed she turned and attempted to unbutton my jacket and I held her hand to stop.

"You can't sleep in this it reeks of alcohol Sire". She pleaded.

I sat down on the bed but she was still standing there looking at me.

"Just give me the jacket I'll take it down to the laundry room".

"Fine, if you wish to nag me get me another bottle of brandy".

I pushed myself up as she pulled the jacket off her hands grazing on my arms as she go.

I flopped back down on the bed and into my sorrow..


Julianna's POV

"Your face looks awfully familiar"

"I get that a lot" I reply to the old lady who was kind enough to let me stay. I just needed to stay until all the heat dies down, when I'm all forgotten of. It does not matter if the house is not some edifice with stone colossals in the middle of Cambridge, it was simple and I'm quite contempt with that.

There were some guards searching around the area yesterday but thankfully they didn't venture on my parts.

I need to get out of Cambridge, I saw an opening in the paper for an art teacher at a retirement home over in Norfolk it doesn't pay much but it will do.

I haven't stopped thinking about him, he's all I think about actually, we could have been together under different circumstances. Without his father attempts to get him to be like him.

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