Chapter 12

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"I'll announce it right now" he said as we headed in the direction of the ball.

"Right now?, there's awfully a lot of people out there" I said nervously.

"That makes it even better" he said with a small smile.

"But I'm not dressed for the occasion, and you know how snobbish these people can be there going to think you picked a peasant as a wife" I said nervously again.

He stopped to look at me and eyes held a glint of hurt."Never talk about yourself like that my love-" he said as his finger hooked my chin and lifted it up towards him."- When I look at you I see the most beautiful, captivating woman ever, I'm in awe of you Julianna your defyingly breath taking.

Why does this man do this to me, it's like he has this written across his mind just waiting to say it to me." You sure are a true romantic" I got out through all the emotions swarming me.

He gave me a small blush." Only to the woman of my dreams, now come, if anyone has a problem with my choice of Queen they can take if up with the guards in the dungeon because that's where they'll end up".

"And the girls?".

"They'll be on there way home tonight" he said as we arrived at the staircase above the ball. I couldn't help but to admire the beautiful ring that was sparkling brightly as the lights hit it.

We made our way down and over to the King's thrown and I was extremely nervous as he kept squeezing my hand ever so gently.

"Father, I have an announcement to make" he said to him.

"What is it son?" The King asked curiously as his eyes travelled over to me and down to my finger.

He raised his eyebrow slightly as he spoke again.

"Ah, I see. This is the one you spoke of. Julianna Hamilton.. Yes..I see it now they really do have the same shade as the ring son. Such rare beauty" he finished in awe.

"Now that you see, you must understand why I must have her. She's perfect and not to mention she comes with a smart mouth on her" he joked.

I've never seen the King this free spirited ever as he communicated with his son.

"Don't let me keep you son, carry on now before the lady passes out from nervousness" he said making me blush.

He walked over to one of the servants to blow the horn to signal everyone that the King will like to speak.

I stood there feeling a bit awkward as everyone turned to look at us as I was still standing by the King.

I looked down at the girls who were now standing in the front of the crowd all giving me a confused look.

"What are you doing up there, have you been caught stealing? I knew it was a matter of time before you did" Lacey said.

"Be quiet the King would like to make an announcement" one of the servants said angrily.

The King then proceeded to stand as Leonardo came next to him.

"Tonight is a very special night my friends, my boy has found that special one he wishes to spend his life with"

The place grew silent as everyone's eyes went from me to Leonardo who didn't look a bit affected by the sudden attention.

"Let us toast to this marvelous news, To the new King to be and the soon to be Queen!" He said as he raised his glass high.

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