Chapter 2

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We arrived at the King's feast after my mother sat me and my sister down to give us the 'don't embarrass her' speech.

We reached the gate of the palace where the guards were instructing who to go in. I looked at the crowd that was already forming everyone decadently dress up, most looking anxious and some looking frustrated.

An array of over sized hats and fancy jewellery.

We pushed our way through the crowd to get to the front, getting stepped on multiple amount of times in the process. My father was standing in front of us asking the guards for entrance to the feast while we stood listening intently.

"I beg you a pardon sir but the palace has reached its capacity" One of the guards told him.

My mother's expression faltered and my over zealous sister too looked as though she was exceedingly disappointed.

Just as my father was about to lead us back. My eyes caught a family who looked like they resided on the rich part of the town arriving at the gates. The man presented himself as Sir John Bluefield of Yorkshire. The guards stepped aside willingly and opened the gates for them.

"Father look-" I said pointing to the gates."What the bloody hell was that!" I shouted at the guards."You just told us there were no more room, how did they get to go in!".

"Julianna let's not make a scene" my mother whispered to me.

"Why do they get to go in, the flyers said all the townsmen not just the ones on the rich side of town. It is unjust and cruel that we are being denied entrance and it is another example of how the townsmen are subjected to such degradable treatment from the King".

"We have our instructions" was all he replied before turning away.

"But we have been waiting here over an hour!" A woman shouted behind me. "Yes and we too are people of this village and we should be treated as such!" Another man shouted.

Soon the entire crowd was in an uproar shouting slanderous remarks towards the guards.

We saw one of the king's men coming down the steps that covered the front of the palace. He halted as he were upon us."What on earth is all this commotion" he shouted at the guards.

One of the guards leaned over and whispered something to him. He then turned and looked at us.

"Let them in-" he said sternly. "But no more".

I could hear my sister jumping with joy behind me along with crowd of people who were jumping with jubilee. "Shall we" my father motioned towards us.

We walked up the steps, and I couldn't help but admire the beautiful statues that layered the entrance. If only I had my sketchbook, I would sit here and draw every one of them and not even care if I missed the feast.

We walked into the palace and was greeted by the servants, they offered us a glass of what appeared to be wine. "Girls don't drink too much I wouldn't want the Prince to meet you all groggy". My mother said to us.

"Welcoming your Majesty King Louis" A servant said as the king made his way to his throne.

The King greeted everyone as he stood on his pedestal." Tonight is a very special night-" he started."The Prince is now twenty five and he is now ready to take the throne. Until the circumstances are met I will be King but like every king he needs a Queen" he finished.

"Would every maiden that are within the ages of twenty two and twenty five step forward". The servant said to the guests.

I looked at my mother and instantly shook my head."Mother no" I whispered.

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