Chapter 5

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Were sitting around a table that had a big umbrella above it to shade from the sun. The Prince sat in between Lacey and Heather. They were baffling him with questions in which he answered arrogantly.

"Do you know who you're going to choose yet Prince Leonardo?" Heather asked first.

I kept my head in my sketchbook as I outlined the drawing of the orchids that were being blown by the wind.

"If I answer that then why wait three weeks?" He said.

They all giggled and I tried to find the humor in it.

"Do you prefer blondes or brunettes?" Lacey asked this time.

"Brains" he replied smugly and I fought a laugh.

"Well I think the Prince should be wed to someone who comes from a very prestigious and wealthy background" she said again and I didn't miss the jab she took at me.

"I'll have you know my mother didn't come from a high background, my father was smart enough to look past all the glitter and gold that these women tend to parade around in to fool you". He said angrily as he stood up."Excuse me" he said again as he stomped off.

"Well that was unexpected" Heather said.

"You pissed him off Lacey" Stephanie added.

"Oh pish posh, he's not angry at me. In fact I think he's smitten for me, why else would he sit next to me". She said confidently.

"Maybe because that was the only available chair" I said wryly.

Her eyes snapped to me.

"Look who decided to join the conversation, you know dirt belongs on the ground why are you sitting on that chair?". She said and I heard the other girls snickering.

"And a bitch belongs on a leash but here you are at the table with your fleas." I shot back.

"Did you just refer to me as a female dog?, well at least I'm a well groomed one-" she said." You don't belong here just save yourself the embarrassment and leave". She said smugly.

"She's right just because the King was charitable enough to pick a poor Queen doesn't mean Prince Leo would do the same". Heather added.

"Why don't you girls keep your judgements to yourself, just because you come from a long line of aristocrats does not make you any more worthy. A true Queen does not care for wealth she must possess nothing because she has to give everything she has to her people. Even her life" I said strongly."Excuse me I'll be in the room".

I turned and walked away ignoring the snobbish remarks that followed.

Being Queen is a big task to take on, I rather spend my days locked up in a room with my art.

I saw the Prince standing by a window gazing out and I quickly walked over to him."I beg your pardon Prince Leonardo excuse my audacity but, for the person you wish to send packing first I nominate myself when you are ready to make that decision".

He looked at me bewildered.

"You wish to leave?" He asked in a surprised voice.

"Yes" I replied quickly.

"And from where exactly did this new decision pop out from" he asked in the same tone.

"It has always been there, I just thought it was time to clear it up, becoming a Queen is a very big undertaking and not to be handed down to a naive girl such as myself and certainly not decided by a random pick of a few girls."

"A naive girl would never approach a Prince and make such a big declaration" he said looking me right in the eyes.

"Apparently she would, because I just did" I said softly.

He looked at me in disbelief

"Your request will be considered" he said looking me one more time in the eyes." I still have that diamond to show you."

I heard him say under his breath.

"When you're ready you know where to find me" I said as I continued walking.

"You do know it's against the law to walk away from Royal unless they dismissed you? I can have you thrown in the dungeon for that?."

I paused and turned to look at him. "I didn't know you had a sex dungeon?."

His eyes went wide and I fought back a laugh. "Juliana you have bewildered me yet again." He bowed at the hips. "Touche."

I smiled and turned to leave feeling his eyes on the back of my neck, if only we met differently Leonardo, if only.
I got back to the room and flopped down on my bed. I'm making the right decision here. I rather go home than stay in this dungeon and be judged. I'm not stubborn I'm merely cutting the rope before I reach the end.


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