Chapter 7

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"Its a fine day for a walk Ladies, what do you say?" Prince Leonardo asked.

We all nodded in acknowledgement. We walked down a path through the flower gardens. I must say the King has a great eye for capturing true beauty.

"Prince Leonardo can you hold my hand its awfully windy out" Lacey asked.

I shouldn't be bothered by that, in all fairness he's just doing what he needs to. The memory of him last night was the only thing my mind was obsessed with all day. Every time our eyes met his words replayed over and over like an old beautiful record.

I was walking behind them as Lacey held on to his arm, my eyes were wandering off so I wouldn't be stained by the image in front of me.

My anger grew every time she touched him, but why am I jealous? He does not belong to me, I need to remember that.

We arrived at a patch of flowers that were beautifully glistening in the sun. "We can sit here and have a quick bite" He said as he let go of Lacey and we formed a circle.

Heather rushed to the left and Samantha on his left leaving me next to Lacey. I looked up to see him eyeing me and I looked away quickly. Maybe it was jealousy that plagued me.

I tried to keep myself distracted to ignore the stupid questions they were asking him.

I was sipping on my glass of orange juice when an arm bumped me making all the contents pour over me.

"You twit!" I shouted at Lacey.

"Don't blame me for your stupidity and carelessness" she shot back.

"If you didn't bump me then this would not have happened!" I shouted at her again.

"I did no such thing you are delusional" she scoffed.

"Your incredibly idiotic and a complete nag and tempting to do something I may be thrown in the dungeon for!"

"It is not my fault your mother did not raise you with fine dining etiquette" she snickered.

"Alright enough, Julianna just go clean yourself up and stop all this arguing" Prince Leo said and my eyes narrowed on him, he wasn't even going to scold her instead he just made it to be that I was being unruly.

I got up and stormed away quickly as the anger built up in me. I flung the door open as I entered the room.

I quickly damaged through my dresses and striped out of the ruined one. I sat on the bed and jumped up immediately.

"What in the world" They ruined my bed!, I quickly lifted the sheets to see if my sketchbook was ruined in the process. I lifted it to see it completely drenched. This is ridiculous, I could handle the name calling even the spilling of drinks but they crossed the line here.

If I was a tit for tat person I would surely do the same to them in a heartbeat but then everyone would only see me as the wrong one.

I heard there childish laughter approaching and I had to breath to ease my temper, their not worth it in fact none of this is.

I heard them gasping as they reached the door." Don't pretend as if you're so shocked, you did this!" I shouted at them.

"We did no such thing, we were having a picnic with the Prince while he read poems to us". Lacey smirked and I felt a sharp pain in the chest. It was foolish of me to think anything more of last night.

"You all are extremely childish and pushing my sanity level to a new high".

"And you're scum-" she scoffed" sleeping in the same room as you is already tormenting enough and now we have to listen to you go on about nonsense when you should be in the kitchen cleaning". She said and they all laugh.

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