Chapter 11

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I found myself walking in the direction of the ballroom. I was not attending, I just wanted to see the dance everyone was so keen on seeing.

I stood at the balcony above the ballroom looking down at everyone. The entire room was filled with people dressed in their expensive tux and their beautiful glittering dresses that flowed smoothly as they made their way across the room.

I see him standing in the middle with Sam at his side as everyone cleared a space for them to have the first dance of the night.

Lacey obviously hating not being the center of attention stood with her arms crossed and that devious scowl on her face.

As the dance started they bowed and he pulled her flush against him. That heavy feeling in my stomach and the ache in my heart as I watched the man of my dreams dance the night away with another woman.

"Why are you not down there" a voice came from behind me making me spin around quickly.

I looked at the mystery man behind me with my eyebrows raised. "And who are you?" I asked curiously.

"Where are my manners, Lord Bernard my lady" he said with a sly smirk and his dark green eyes held a bit of mischief. He was a bit taller than me, his dark hair slicked back smoothly.

"And what are you doing up here?" I said to him curiously.

He gave me a tight smile." I'm not a big fan of these dances I usually just come for the free Bourbon" he smirked.

I looked him up and down." I'm sure a man of your standards can certainly afford his own Bourbon" I said and he burst out laughing.

"You have quite an eye my dear, but if you'll excuse me I have something important to attend to". He said as he made his way over to the staircase and left.

I turned my gaze over to the ball and immediately locked eyes with Leonardo. He looked as if he was watching us for a while.

I watched as he made his way through the crowd and over to the staircase quickly. I could feel his eyes on me as he approached.

"I thought you were going to be in your room". He asked.

"I wanted to pay you a visit to see how your dance went" i said as i turned to look at him.

"And just how much of it did you see? From where I was it seemed as if you were knee deep in conversation".

I walked closer to him and made a brave move as I wrapped my arm around his neck, he had an amused smile on his face." You sound a bit jealous-" I said and tilted my head. "I just met him, said his name was Lord Bernard he looked as though he was up to no good"

"As long as it's not with you-" he said as he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. "- Are we going to pick up where we left off?"

"Don't you have to get back to the ball?"

"No, I was only needed for the first dance-" he said hoarsely."- come, we need to talk in private". He said as he led us over to the hallway.

"Where exactly are you taking me in such a rush" I said as I tried to keep up with him.

He turned and gave me a broad smile.

He led us to a more reserved part of the palace. We came to a door that had a lock on it and he needed to enter a code. I quickly turned away." Why did you do that?" He asked confused.

"To give you some privacy" I replied.

He frowned at me making his eyebrows wrinkle." I didn't ask you to" he said and it sounded like he was disappointed.

We walked into the room and my eyes nearly popped out of my head. This looked like where they stored all their prized possessions. There were were glass cases all around the room and each one contained a expensive piece of jewel.

He walked me over to a glass that held the most captivating blue diamond ring I have ever seen. The light eliminating from the ceiling made the ring sparkle miraculously. He was right it is quite captivating.

"This belonged to my mother, it has seventeen blue diamonds, which is quite rare, you won't find another like it for years". He said as he took it out of its case.

He turned and looked at me, his eyes held so much vulnerability in them, made me weak all the way down to the pit of my stomach.

He got down on his knees and took my hand in his.

"Though I have only known you a few days, I have made up my mind that I want to spend every moment with you for the rest of my life. If my heart could speak I would let it, you are truly as rare as this ring my love and I may not be perfect, we'll get into fights, get mad at each other but I promise you I will be there still standing with you and every tear that shall fall whether in pain or joy I shall be there to wipe each one away for you. I feel like I've been bound to you and....I love you Julianna Violet Hamilton would you do me the honors of becoming my wife" he said softly and I could feel the tears edging my eyes.

He was staring at me intently and I felt my chest tighten as I got my answer out.

"When I woke up four days ago I never pictured anything like this in my future but like any great artist we draw our own pictures from what we see and I see myself spending every waking moment with you for the rest of my life Prince Leonardo Wellington" I said as he stood up and pulled me into the most heart warming ravishing kiss as he spun me around.

"I love you" I heard him say between kisses.

This was the most passionate, romantic day of my life.

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