Inside Leonardo's Mind

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Can't believe it's already my twenty fifth birthday, I shrug on my suit jacket and head down to the ballroom. A few ladies tried flirting with me even the ones who came with their husbands so shameful.

"Prince Leonardo". I turned to see the Leighton's standing behind me their expressions anxious as they awaited my reply, I kept my face emotionless as I gave them a nod and turned to leave but not before I heard his wife say something.

" You know our daughter Lacey". She had that to overly bright plastic smile across his face.

I looked over at the daughter who was batting her eyelashes flirtatiously at me. Hmm, something to do tonight just to keep myself busy. I excused myself and continued on the ballroom, something catches the eyes by the window and I walked over to see what it was.

A girl with her family, and she appears to be shouting at the guards what a foolish move, doesn't she know the guards are can exercise force whenever they feel necessary.

I signal over one of the servants.

"Prince Leonardo sir".

" There's a girl causing a ruckus out front and by the looks of the crowd a riot will start, just go let them in before she does something even more foolish like hit the guards ".

" Yes sir ".

I walked over to sit next to my father who looked like he was a bit bored by this all.

" Father ". I greeted him.

" Leonardo, dear boy the party can do with a bit of entertainment what do you say?".

I shrugged. "What do you have in mind?".

A slow smile made it's way across his face and I watched on intently as he called one of the servants and whispered something in his ear.

" Father aren't you going to let me in on the secret? ". That has you smiling like that Cheshire cat.

Before he could reply I watched as he stood up to greet crowd." The prince is now twenty five and he is now ready to take the throne. Until the circumstances are met I shall remain king but like every good king he needs a queen ". He said and then motioned to the servant to carry on.

He sat down and I have him a quick glance and whispered to him." Father what on earth are you doing ".

"Relax my dear boy, it's just having some fun-".

" By marrying me off? ". I said trying to keep a straight face for the crowd.

" You don't have to marry them, you get five free virgins for three weeks but of course you can't tell them that, just go along with it ".

I shifted my gaze to the five girls that was standing in front of us and i recognize that girl from outside. Her eyes made me stare at her for too long and I looked on, but I have to admit their quite captivating.

I notice the Leighton's daughter among the crowd, this could be interesting and like my father said I get to have fun it's not like I have to fall in love with one of them.

I smirked to myself, good plan father.

I just wanted to add this chapter, no I won't be adding anymore chapters just thought it would be nice to get deep inside our Prince's mind.

Hope you enjoyed it. Just a one shot.

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