Chapter 2: It Just Had To Be Him

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When the plane lands I follow my parents to our car wich they sent over a day or two ago so it would be here when we got here. All of my stuff was already at our new house but I never saw what it looked like. I wasn't really that excited to see it though. I wasn't really excited about anything.

"Ally, look out your window." My mom said trying to cheer me up but failing.

I simply replied with a "whatever" and put my ear buds in and listened to 5 seconds of summer. They were my favorite band other than fall out boy.

When we arrived at the house my jaw literally was on the floor. Its huge. When I went inside it was just as amazing as the outside. My mom literally surprised me when she said go put your stuff on your floor of the house and help us unpack the car.

I had my own floor.

This house was amazing. My floor consisted of a huge bedroom, a huge bathroom, a game room, and a theater room. I can't believe that I had this all to my self.

My bedroom had a huge closet and a balcony with double doors leading out to it.

When I went outside to get boxes out of our car and my ass was kindly greeted with the icy ground. I still can't believe that it's winter over here and spring in my old home town. This sucked.

Before I could even get up I was greeted by a low husky voice. He said "Are you ok, do you need any help?" I literally froze in my place. This boy looked around my age and was drop dead gorgeous. However I was interrupted by his sexy voice soon after when he said "hello, are you listening. I almost died of embarrassment.

"Um... yeah, I just fell. I don't need any help though but thanks." Wow what a great response. At that I ran inside with the box I was carrying before I fell on my ass and ran straight up to my room. Something about him seemed familiar and i couldnt put my finger on it.

Then it hit me.

One of my friends back home had told me that her cousin lived in the US but never told me where. I've seen pictures though and that's where Ive seen him before. This day just couldn't get any worse could it.

I was hoping i vould just forget my past in austrailia since ill never relive it, but i geuss i cant get a break.

It just had to be him didn't it?


The next morning I was woken up by the sound of tapping on my window. I checked the clock on my night stand and it read 3:00 am. Who the hell was tapping on my window this early in the morning?

I quickly ran to the set of double doors leading to my balcony and opened the curtains. I nearly jumped when I saw that it was the boy from earlier when I fell on my ass.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"I said in a rather annoyed tone. He looked at me amused and looked at my appearence. Spandex shorts and a tank top that was would have me slapped on the wrist by a nun 50 times over.

I groaned which caused him to laugh.

"What are you even doing here?" I asked annoyed. He looked me in the face and i could see the uncertainty in his eyes.

"Ill leave if you want." He said dejected.

Great now I felt bad. Why do i always make someone feel bad. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to sound rude."

"It's ok,I'm the one who woke you up at 3 am."

"Yeah why exactly did you do that?" I said in a softer tone then before.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you and I just wanted to know your name." He said in the most cliche voice in the history of cliche voices.

I rolled my eyes but answered none the less.

"Oh well, it's Ally Summers, you?"

"Nick Hartman, nice to meet you Ally. Well I better go, sorry for waking you up. Sweet dreams." He said with a smirk plastered on his face as he slowly backed away. And with that he was gone.

Oh my god. Did that really just happen?

It just had to be him, my best friends cousin. Now that I think about it he's kind of cute. Wait what did I just say?

No I can't like him, either way he could never feel the same. Not towards a fat and ugly slut like myself, right?

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