Chapter 11: Her Real Parents

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I sat there still confused of what she just said. "No my parents died when I was a baby." What did she mean? We're the people who claim to be her parents lying? If so what happened to her real parents? My thoughts were interrupted by 4 boys running into the room. God my friends can be so loud.

"NICK! Are you ok? How's Ally?" Luke said with concern in his voice.

"I'm fine but worried about Ally." He gave me a look that urged me to continue. " She woke up saying she was cold and at first I thought nothing of it so I put an extra blanket from her parents on her. Then she told me how her parents visited her from heavan. I told her that's impossible and that her parents were just here yesterday and are at home now. She told me that her parents died when she was a baby."

"What? How can that be? They're litterly right outside. They're waiting for us to be done." Max said in confusion.

"I know that's what worries me. We should ask them about it later. But after she told me that she said she was still cold even though I put a thick blanket over her hospital blancket. That's weird isn't it?"

"Yeah that is weird." Kyle said.

"Very weird." Pat interveined.

"I'm gonna go get her parents, I'll be right back." Luke said and then left. A few minutes later her parents came in with worried expressions on their faces.

"What's wrong? Luke said Ally was acting strange."

"Well Ally woke up about an hour ago and told me she was cold so I put a blanket on her. She kept saying how her parents visited her from heaven and that they died when she was a baby. How can that be?"

When i finished they had wide eyes and were looking back and forth between each other and the floor.

"How did she know?" Her "mom" whispered to her "dad".

"I don't know honey. I didn't think she'd remember." He whispered back.

"Remember what?" I questioned.

They looked to each other several times before her mother spoke up. "When she was a baby someone broke into her house and...and killed her parents." She was tearing up at the thought but she continued. "About a week after, she was brought to an orphanage. We couldnt have a baby so we decided to adopt one. We saw her and thought she was perfect. We wanted a baby so we could start from the beginning. We also chose her because we felt bad for her. She was so young and she needed parents. We didn't think she'd remember her other parents so we adopted her and raised her never telling her the truth to protect her. We didn't want her to grow up in the orphanage thinking no one wanted her." When she finally finished everyone was crying.

"Please don't cry. Not for me."

"Oh Ally! My baby!" Her mom almost screamed.

"Don't call me that. I'm not your baby." She said with venom behind her voice.

"Ally what's wrong? Are you ok?"

"Nick? Lay with me. I'm so c-cold."

I look to Luke and he looks to the guys. "What do you mean your cold? Why are you so cold? I just put a blancket on you." I said softly.

"I'm cold, can't you see?" She looks me dead in the eye.

"Ally? What are you talking about? Do you need a doctor?"


I'm shocked. Is she talking about her parents, Or something else? Whatever it is it isn't good and I'm going to help her. Even if it kills me.

Her real parents are in the photo in the begining

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