Chapter 4: She's back

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Shelia pic above♤♤♤♤

It must have been 5 minutes since he asked me that question. I still didn't know the answer. I geuss I have to answer it now though because he said "Ally, are you listening?"

"Yeah I'm listening."

"Then can you answer my question?"

I looked down at my shoes as if they were the most interesting thing in the world and said "Oh, um, that. Well I geuss I just didn't want you driving me. I wanted to walk."

He looked as if he wasn't buying my excuse. "You sure that's why?"

"Yeah what else would it be?"

"Nothing, forget I mentioned anything. Well its getting late you should get home so your parents don't worry."

"Like they would worry about me." I muttered.

He seemed to hear me though because he responded. "What?"

I panicked and stood up quickly

"Bye." with that I left not waiting for a response. Why didn't that truck hit me? Why did he save me? Does he like me?


The next morning sucked just as much as the last one. I woke up late and literally ran out the door to school. I wasn't going to miss school again.

When I got there I went straight to the office and got my class schedule. To my "pleasure" I got the same classes as nick because when I went to my first period class, the only seat that was available was next to him. He practically ripped my schedule out of my hands and compared it to his and now I have to spend every day with him. Great. When class started I tried to ask him a question but he just acted weird and looked angry.

"Hey Nick, can you explain this to I'm confused?"

"Explain it to your self."

"What's your problome?"

"Nothing, whats yours?!"




"Slut" now that hit a nerve.

I ran out of the classroom on the verge of tears. I didn't know where to go so I ran to the nearest girls bathroom. I ran into the biggest stall and closed door. I pulled out my emergency razor and dragged it against my wrists. Man that felt good.

When I was done I wrapped my wrists and went out side of the bathroom. Someone was waiting for me. Nick

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to apologize. I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm sorry."

"If you didn't mean to, why did you?"

"I just broke up with my girlfriend and I wasn't over it just yet. I'm sorry."

"It's ok I geuss."

"Ok thanks. I'll see you later. Bye."

With that he left and the bell rung signaling first period was over. So much for not missing any more school.


The next day went just the same except in 3 period I lost it. I was beginning to have a panic attack and just couldn't handle it. I just got up and ran. I ran home but took a different route. I went through an ally way that was dark grummy. It almost seemed like it was night. I froze when i heard a deep voice.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this." I turned slowly and saw a group of men, all looking close to 40. The one in the middle was smirking at me and i cringed.

When I didn't answer he slapped me and said "I asked a question!"

"H-home, i-im g-going h-home." He just laughed and pushed me up against the wall and pulled out a knife. I closed my eyes and waited for the stoning sensation to come but it never came. I opened my eyes and saw all the men on the ground and Nick breathing heavily above them.

"Ally, are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"What happened to your wrists, theyre bleeding?" I looked down at my wrists and noticed my bandafes came off. Before he could say anything else i ran as fast I could away from that allyway. He couldn't find out.

When I got home in closed the door and i instantly heard the door bell. I debated on opening it or not and instantly regretted my choice.

"Hey Nick, whats up?"

"Nothing but I am wondering what's wrong with your wrists."

"Oh that? That's nothing. My cat ran into a rose bush and I had to get her. No big deal." I lied.

"Ok," he said unconvinced, "I thought it was something else. Well, bye." He said as he walked down my driveway. That was too close. That could of ended really badly.


The next morning I was woken up by voices yelling. I quickly got ready and headed downstairs. I stopped half way when I heard who's voice was yelling with my mom. My sister. I knew she was real, and now shes back. How could this be happening. I tryed to silently run to the door but it was too late, she already saw me.

"No hello to your sister?"

"Sorry shelia, I have school." She pushed me against the door and pain shot up through my back. She just stalked off like it never even happened.

I simply just ran to school. The first person I saw when I walked in was Nick talking to some guy. He looked familiar. I ran straight to the girls bathroom to avoid him. I could not deal with him right now.

When I got in there I went straight into a stall and closed the door. I slid down the wall with my back and let it all out. I could feel a panic attack coming. All of a sudden the stall door opens and reveals Nick with worry written all over his face

All I could mutter out was "she's back" before everything went black.

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