Chapter 10: Please Wake Up

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Nicks POV

It's been almost 2 months since that terrifying night. I still have nightmares. I can still remember how pale and sick she looked.

After she was pulled away for scans the doctors came and told me news I never thought I would hear. They said her brain was collapsing from stress. Probally because of her depression, anorexia, and because she was suicidal. I almost died when I found out. I never knew how sick she was.

They did the best they could but it wasn't good enough. They couldn't save her fast enough and now she's in a coma till god knows when. I know I should be happy that she at least wasnt dead but how can I be happy when the girl I love is sitting right in front of me looking as If she already is dead.

Allys POV

I'm dying here. I've been roaming around this hospital for almost 2 months. After my brain collapsed I found my self staring at my body. Man I'm ugly. Anyway, now I'm stuck here having an out of body expeirience. I thought someone you know Is supposed to come down and help you find your way but no. They left me to rot. I thought at lest my real parents would come.

My parents died when I was a baby when they were murdered right in front of my eyes. They told me they loved me before they went still, lying dead on the floor. When the vicious criminal looked at me he said "This is on you. I'm gonna let you live and think about what you did. You could of done something. You could of cried for help. Why didn't you. I'm not the real killer, you are." And with that he left.

I never knew what he meant. Atlas not until about a week later when I was put in an orphanage. I was adopted but a newly wedded couple who couldn't have kids. They chose me cause they wanted a baby so they could start from the beginning like all parents. They also chose me because they heard what happened to my parents.

They never told me I was adopted but they didn't need to. They think I don't even remember my real parents, but something that big and that terrifying will haunt you for the rest of your life.

I decided to go to my room and I found a sight I thought I'd never see. I saw a tired Nick sobbing on top of my body and my parents waiting on the other side waiting for me. I nearly cried and ran over to them in a second tops.

"Mommy! Daddy! I thought I'd never see you again!" I said as I cried tears of joy.

My mom smiled and said "we didn't think you remembered us. We love you so much. You shouldn't be hard on yourself."

"But mom, it's my fault your gone. I could of cried and woke up the neighbors and you'd still be alive."

"Oh nonsense. It's not your fault. Did you grab the gun and kill us? No. So don't be so hard on yourself." My dad cut in.

"Plus, if we didn't die you would of never met him." My mom said pointing to Nick.

"But I miss you guys."

"And we do to. But he misses you more. Go back to him. You will eventually come back and see us when your ready but if you come now you'll never see him again. Go. Live your life to the fullest and don't be in a rush to end your life. You never know how important you'll become." My mom said with a loving tone and dissapeared.

"Now, I just wanted to tell you one thing. Don't do anything stupid. You hear me. Don't have too much fun with this boy. Your still my daughter. And if you do anything bad, I'll know and you'll never hear the end of it the next time I see you. Now i have to get back to your mother. Goodbye sweetie."

"Goodbye dad. I love you"

"I love you more." And with that, he was gone. I knew what I had to do now. I'm coming Nick.

Nicks POV

I've been sobbing on top of Ally for almost an hour. I'm acually surprised that I had that much water in my body considering I didn't drink that much latley.

I hope she wakes up. I don't know what I'd do with out her. Maybe if I talk to her she'll wake up. That's what happens in the movies, right?

Well her goes nothing. "Hey ally. I really miss you. Please Wake up. I love you. I remember when we first met. You were unpacking your car and fell and I rushed over to help you. That's when I knew I liked you. When I first saw you. Please don't let me live with out you, cause I cant. Please. Please Wake up."

I waited several minutes but nothing. I geuss the movies are wrong. I held her hand and squeezed for dear life. I was about to leave when I heard the best sound possible right now. I quickly called in a doctor and told them exactly what I heard.

"Doctor! Doctor! Come quick! She talked!" The Doctor ran in the room with me closely behind. He checked her vitals and everything else to see if anything was different. Gladly there was.

"What exactly did she say?"

"Well I was talking to her before I told I her I loved her and I was about to leave she said I love you too Nick. I'm nick. She heard what I said and responded. This is good news right?"

"Yes. This is very good news. She should be waking up soon and I think you'll be the first one she wants to see. Good luck." He said with a smile and left.

I sat right next to her for what felt like ages until she finally moved. She shifted in her bed and said "cold... it's so c-c-cold." I quickly wrapped another blanket around her and kissed her forhead.

I couldn't wait till she woke up. I texted Luke and the guys that she'd be waking up soon and that they'd be here as soon as they could. I couldn't ask for better friends then Luke, Kyle, Max, and Patrick. They were all I had. Other than my dad.

"Nick..." Ally said.

"Yes? Ally?"

"I saw my parents. They came and visited me from heavan."

"What do you mean? Your parents are at home. They were just here to visit you yesterday too."

" No my parents died when i was a baby. Nick? Please hold me. I'm cold." She said through a sleepy haze. She still wasn't fully awake.

I couldn't resond. What does she mean they died. I just saw them yeaterday?

Hey guys, it's me. I know I haven't updated in a while and I'm sorry... been stuck with finals. I will update as much as I can now that it's summer. Bye.

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