Chapter 9: A "Fun Night"

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    "Wait what?"

    "Yes, I love you. A lot. I can't live with out you. You have my head going cdazy when ever i think about you, I'm so whipped for you."

    I said nothing. I was too shocked. He felt the same way.

    "Please say something." As soon as he said that I pulled him closer to me and kissed him. Our lips crashed together gracefully. He seemed a little tense at first, but then eased up into the kiss and our lips began moving in sync. He gently bit my bottom lip asking for entrance wich I gladly granted. His tongue crashed with mine and they were moving together perfectly.

    I used to think that the whole idea of people exchanging saliva was gross but not anymore. Not with him. With him it feels right.

I pulled away briefly for air and immediately he brought his lips back to mine in a burst of fiery passion. He was full of lust like he needed more of me. His tongue shot in the back of my throat and a soft moan escaped my lips. He smiled into the kiss and I did the same until we were rudley interrupted by Luke.

"Am I interrupting something?" We pulled away immediately and we both blushed and looked really embarrassed. Luke just smirked. "I see I have interrupted something. I'll let you to get back to your fun. But not too much fun kids." And with that he left.



"Will you go out with me? Like on a real date?"

"Hmmm.... I'll have to think about it." He frowned a little and I just chuckled and brought his lips back to mine.

He pulled away for split second with his lips hovering over mine. "I'll take that as a yes." And the rest was history.


We ended up kissing for what felt like hours but turned out only to be one before Luke interrupted us once again to say that visiting hours were over. I had to stay over night which sucked. All I wanted to do was hang out with Nick.

We planned our date to be the night I get out of her which will be in 4 days. They wanted to keep me here for observation because of my little skydiving stunt. I hated it.

"I'll see you tommorrow, bye sweetheart." Nick said.

All I could say through my sleep deprived gaze was "Have fun Nicky." I heard him laugh along with Luke before he came up to me and kissed me head.

"Good night. Sweet dreams sweetheart." Then everything went black and I was dragged into dream land.


"Would you like some bread?"

"Sure nick." Nick passed me a piece of bread and we chatted for hours. This was possibly the best night of my life.

When we left the Restraunt people were staring at us whispering things like 'look at her, he could do better' or 'did you hear what happened to her? No wonder he's dating her. It's for pitty.'

That one really stung. Could he just be doing this for pity?When we got to his car I decided to ask him.

"Nick? Did you just ask me out for pitty of what happened to me?"

He didn't respond. Instead he turned to me with anger all over his face. He started to beat me. He beat me just like me sister. I started to cry.

"Oh look. The baby's crying. Go and kill yourself like you always try to do. No one likes you." He said hurtfully and pushed me out of the car with all of his force and drove away.

His words rung through my head for about a hour. 'The baby's crying' 'no one likes you' 'go kill yourself'. That last one got me up and moving. I didn't know where I was going or what I was doing.

When I realized what was happening I screamed. I was killing myself. I tried with all of my might to escape but it was no use. I was now on the roof of the tallest building in california, about to jump. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't change my route. I was a few feet away from the edge. Oh no. What now? I just die? It can't end like this. But it did. I fell off the edge and was hurtling towards the ground. It felt like forever until I hit the ground. Blood was everywhere and everyone was staring. Something was wrong though. I wasn't dead. I just got up and repeated it 3 times until I finally stoped. My happiness didn't last long for now I was heading towards a gas station... with a match in hand. What is happeneing.

I arrived at the gas station and dropped the match. I was blown away by the impact of the explosion. But before I could hit away anything, someone screamed my name. I thought it was nothing so I ignored it. All I did was scream.


There it was again. Who's calling me? The voice sounds so farmilliar.


I woke up crying and screaming seeing Nick right in front of me looking worried. There were several doctors and nurses surrounding him and I felt like I was dying. I couldn't breath. I took heavy breaths and was getting tired fast.

"I-i c-c-c-cant b-br-br-breath." I stuttered between breaths.

"She's going into shock I need help in here Stat." One of the doctors yelled.

The last thing I heard was Nick screaming "No! Don't go! I need you! I love you!" As I was pulled out of the room for a cat scan and other tests before everything went black.

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