Chapter 8: Confessions

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When we got back to the hospital room they put me back on the bed and he explained everything to Nick. I can't believe my sister told his friend about what I do. I hate her. Now Nick will leave me and I'll have no friends.

"Ally is it true?" Nick asked.

"Um...i...i..." I struggled to find words. I didn't want him to leave me.

"Ally the truth."

"The truth?" He nodded. "The truth is.." I took a deep breath. "Yes. It's true."

Great. I probally just lost the only friend I had here. What will he say?

"Oh Ally. Why didn't you ever tell me? I knew something was up."

"Wait. What? Your not mad? Your not going to leave me all alone with no Friends and pretend like you don't know me?"

"Nooooo? Why would I do that to someone who's been through so much."

" i geuss i jsut thought youd think i was gross and an attention seeking whore like everybody else." I said looking down at my lap.

Nicks eyes widened a fraction before he jumped to my side and basically bombarded me with reasurance that that wasnt true.

"Why would i think that? Your the greatest person i ever met, and i dont know what i'd do with out you." I smiled and was about to reply when his friend interupted with gagging noises which made us both laugh.

"So what now?" I asked?

"Are you hungry? I could go get us some food if you want?"

"No thats ok. Im not that hungry."

"Ally....." they started to say in unison, whicb really freaked me out, but before they could finish i interupted.

"Really im not hungry." I even smiled for reassurance. They seemed kinda weary but let it slide this time.

For the rest of the day we all just chatted and played mindless games such as tic tax toe, chopsticks and random card games.

As night was creeping apon us, i yawned , quite loudly if i might add, and broke up an argument over who won the game war. I didnt even know you could argue who won at war but i geuss with nick, theres an argument for everything.

"Are you tired?" Nick asked?

"No im fine," i yawned again," lets play another game."

"No come on, you have to sleep. We should get going anyway."

"Promise youll be back tomorrow?" I asked with uncertainty.

Nick smiled at the scared look on my face and said "i promise. Ill never leave you ally, i love you." My eyes instantly widened, as did both of the guys in front of me, and i was now wide awake.

"Wait. What? You love me?"

" I just...i-it just slipped?"

"Well I'm going to leave you two alone" his friend said. "Oh and by the way, im Luke." He said and srayed in the doorway for and extra second like he was waitong for sometghing but then shook his head. And with that he left.

"So you love me?" I said once again waiting for an answer.

Please say yes. Please say yes. Please say yes. Wait what am I saying? It was probally just a spur of the moment decision


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