Summary of (05)

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So... Alot of people didn't understand Chapter 5.... Soooo Im here to tell you the summary of it! 

Okay to start of with. 

The start of the chapter was a continue of the last chapter and she was unsure of her feels towards Giyu Tomioka.  Then she wakes up 

We switched to Tomioka's Pov, And he also just woke up right before her and looked around noticed her in all  but the major plot twist was the fact Giyu forgot who she was since the car crash in chapter 04. He wondered where his older sister (Tsutako) was since he was alone with a  "Stranger". 

Then we switched to Kocho's Pov To where she woke up gasping for air and once she caught it and looked around she fainted from seeing tomioka.  

Then switch back to Tomioka's POV to where he gets concernd and goes to check on her and then he is realved to see her alive and okay. He see's her get cold and then goes and put blankets on her and then cuddle her. since the blankets where not enough for her to get warm.

Kocho's pov once she wakes up she is surprised but is embrassed more. Her older sister (Kanae) brust through the door and see them cuddling.

Then we switch to kanaes pov.  And kanae still has memories of her past life in all. She knows everything. She hopes shinobu remembered but she didnt. later once she leaves we switch to Tomioka's pov to when he wakes up and talks to shinobu .

Then he gets up to leave but  shinobu says dont leave your comfortable. 

So that is the summary of (05) Im planning to realese the next chapter tomorrow its gonna be a halloween specail! 

Spoilers for next chapter! "I feel my cheeks tingle. 'Did I just?.. Kiss him?..'.." 

Only a sentce but stilllllllllll! anyways i hope the summary helped !

Oh! one thing! charater intro!


He is a side charater

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He is a side charater. 

Height: 6'1/185.42

Fav Food:Unknown



Currently doing:Gang leader.

There we go.

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