oh no, oh no!

255 4 2

Age: 12
(TW FOR  Anxiety/panic attack -partly detailed-, also small TW for burns -tiniest bit of detail-)

James had gone out to a shop to by some stuff, you were pretty hungry and thought it was a great idea to try and use the stove by yourself.  You go over to it and put a pot on it, you didn't know what you were making but rummaged round until you found some tomato soup. You put it in and turn on the stove, you turn your back for a second to grab something out the cupboard only to turn around and see the pan engrossed with flames, you immediately start to panic.


you shout to yourself,  you grab the handle of the pot and then throw it into the sink, you felt a horrible pain in your hand when you grabbed it but ignored it and turned on the tap to stop the fire, you back away after you hear the sizzling,  a sign that the fire had died down. You take a look at your hand, it was red and was already forming blisters, it looked like 2nd degree burn.

"O-oh my g..god..."

You mumble to yourself as you stared with horrified eyes, you felt your breath hitch and you started to hyperventilate a little.

'An attack.'

You thought,  you didn't know if it was a panic attack or an anxiety attack,  you quickly snatch your phone off the side with your non injured hand and quickly call James, he answers after 2 rings.


You shout rushed into the phone, not even giving him time to get a word on, you didn't finish your sentence before bursting into sobs and breathing heavily and hyperventilating to the point you practically weren't breathing.

"Woah, woah, woah! Hey, calm down, calm down, what happened I cant understand you, try to breathe okay? In for 3 and out for 4"

He says in a half-soothing half concerned voice.

"I..I.. tried...to m..make soup o..on the.. stove b..but it...set on fire and I.. burned my h..hand"

You stutter out.

"Oh no, alright,  im on my way home little guy, stay put alright don't touch it or anything for that matter"

He say, you hear some shuffling on the other side (ha, ref) and then a few minutes later he runs into the kitchen where your sitting,  he takes a close look at your hand and takes out so bandages after cleaning it and wraps it up whilst you wince in pain.

"Sorry, thats gonna hurt"

He says in a guilty voice.



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