Chapter 50 - The Way You Look At Me

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I arrive at the scene. And was greeted by an empty backstage area.

Huh? I thought there was a commotion back here? Where's the commotion?

I'm pretty sure Ms. Mio isn't some sort of cruel person to make me miss their first song for nothing....

As I was glued to my feet, a staff member approached me.

"Excuse me! Are you part of the security team?" They rushed over to me and asked.

"Not particularly. I work with the Pasu*Pare agency. I was sent here by Ms. Mio to control the situation but...." After looking around once more, it really is quiet out here. Nothing but the cold atmosphere of the night, and the sound of boxes being moved from the many different rooms that this one is connected to.

"Oh! So you're the one they sent over! Come quickly! They're gathered at the parking area!" They told me.

"Ohh I see, thank you for the info! I'll head there right now." I replied and immediately left.

The parking lot isn't a place for people to form crowds at. It's supposed to be a place to park cars and what not. So why would there be any comotion here?


I arrive at the parking lot and was greeted by the same situation from the backstage.

It was.... empty.

Sure, there are a few cars here and there.. But it was mostly empty.

What? Where is the commotion....

I slowly get the feeling that I'm being toyed with.

Is this some sort of prank?

I'd like to think that it's some sort of prank. But I can't quite get rid of the feeling that this is some what set up.

I decided to explore the parking lot for a little bit.

Maybe everyone left?

Shortly after that, a man in black clothes came out from one of the cars and approached me.

What the?! Talk about a horror flick! Where did you come from?!?!

"Excuse me, who are you?" I called out to them.

The parking lot was already dark, but I couldn't quite see their face because of the hood they had out from their black parka.

"Forgotten about me already huh...."

They removed their hood and reveled their face to me. It was a man. He seemed a little but older than me, but he definitely has the face of someone I didn't know.

"I'm sorry... do I know you? I don't think we've met before...." I cautiously apologized to the man and tried to not make it seem like I'm some sort of forgetful and insensitive asshole.

"Of course you wouldn't remember me... You wouldn't remember the face of the man you threw to the ground that one night!"


"My plan was almost complete! I had already gotten her right where I wanted to.... but you just had to have been there and ruin everything!"

His words made me stop and think. He was narrating about an encounter that we seem to have been in before....

A man I threw to the ground.... that one night.... had her right where he wanted.... her.....

After repeating those words, It finally came to me. The memories from the night that I saved Aya from a stalker that was trying to abduct her.

The Way You Look At Me - (A Male Reader X Aya Maruyama Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now