Chapter 30 - The Confession

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She was right there. Standing. She had just finished singing a song.

She seems slightly tired from all that. I'm not too sure why.

But what got me worried the most was that her eyes were a little...sore?

Was she crying?

Did she cry?

I walk up to her and help her.

"Are you okay?? What happened?? What's wrong??" I asked her these questions bullet fast.

"W-wait Anon! What are you doing here?" She asked me trying to wipe her eyes as if tears were still there.

"You lied to me." I said to her.

I grit my teeth and tried holding back but...

"Huh? W-What do you mean..?" She asked me. Confused.

"Your smile wasn't genuine back there, it was fake... Why didn't you tell me something was wrong?" I told her.

I'm upset because she had to choose a facade just to escape from what was bothering her. But I'm more upset at the fact that I said a lot of things that could've bugged her.

I'm not mad at her, I'm ashamed of myself...

"W-Wait Anon!" She said and paused.

Because before she could continue to say anything...

I embraced her.

Aya's P.O.V

He saw through me. He saw through the mask I have never ever worn before. Just so I could run away. He saw through it all.

My head is resting on his chest. I can hear it. I can feel his heartbeat.

It's.... scared?

No.... it's more of....sorry.

Why is it sorry?

Giving up from the temptation, I embraced him back.

"I'm s-sorry!! Anon!! I had to run away!" I cried out. In his arms.

His embrace tightens as if I would disappear if it was any more loose.

"You kept talking about wanting to support this girl, wanting to be there for this girl, and wanting to achieve your dreams with her! It's such a wonderful dream! But then again... Where does that leave me?" I cried out.

"Aya... What are you-" He said and paused.

"What about me Anon? All this time, I've wanted to shine for my sake. I wanted everyone to smile for their sake. I've been working hard so that I could bring people's spirits up, and also to give me more confidence about myself!" I said.

"I know that! But what are you-" He said and paused once more.

"But ever since you saved me.... I found someone I want to shine for! Someone's spirit I want to lift! Someone who I want to watch me as I go forward while staying right beside me! Cause I know, that it may take me awhile and I don't know how fast or in which direction my future will take me! But.... I want to be with that person throughout all of that!" I said and cried out even more.


I never would've thought that I'd be going through something like this...

This isn't like me at all...

Aya... Where's the smile I always had on me...?

"Is this some sort of payback from awhile ago or..?" He asked me.

Hehe... It seems like he still doesn't understand...

This idiot...

"I love you, Anon." I spoke out to him as I let go of him to get a good look at his surprised face.

"Wha-" He exclaims confusingly.

"I was hurt when you told me that you had a girl you liked. I'm really sorry about that! But I'll be okay now! I'll support you with your dream as well Anon! After all you gave me so much-" I was cut off.


I didn't see it coming.

Next thing I knew...

Anon kissed me.

"A-A-Anon?! W-What on earth?!" I panicked. Obviously.

"I'm the pathetic one here.." He said.

"S-Shouldn't you have saved that f-for the girl you liked?!" I asked him. Still panicking.

"I did Aya. I did." He said.

"But!" I spoke out.

But once again, he caught me off guard.

"I love you, Aya. And I'm sorry if I made you feel this way. I'm sorry if you had to cry because I wasn't being honest." He said. With the most sincere look in his eyes.

I froze. I was too happy to hear all of that and I didn't know how to react.

"That was my first kiss you know..." I said. But I'm not complaining.

He embraced me again and took my lips once more. This time, lasting longer than before.

We let go of each other from bliss and rested our foreheads on each other. Our eyes locked, and the temptation is high.

"That was my second." He said.

This guy....

"But really... Talking about some girl you would devote your everything to in front of the girl you like during a date without her knowing is really rude you know that?" I complained.

"If you didn't notice, my eyes was locked onto yours the entire time I was talking about you. And you were the same as well." He replied.

"Well that's..." I had no excuses for myself.

All I knew was that I wanted this moment to last for much longer. Our bodies close, our faces locked onto each other, and our emotions high.

"Aya, would you go out with me?" He asked.

"Isn't it a bit too late for that now?" I replied.

"Not at all." He said.

"Sure, we both like each other. But that doesn't mean that we can just brush off how much we don't know about each other yet. I want you to fully know me first, and I want to fully know you as well." He added.

"Then from this day onwards.... Maruyama Aya is officially dating someone <3" I told him.

He blushes and gets embarrassed a bit.

"When the time is right, I'll ask you to be mine." He promised.

"And when that time comes, I'll be sure to give you an answer that I've been dying to say since today." I said.

And that's the start of something special between me and Anon.

An idol that made her way up to where she is now even if she has stage fright and bad with improvisation.

And a school time terror that used to be seen as someone who you wouldn't want to meet in an alleyway, whose now someone renowned for his killer looks in a romantic view.

Was somehow set-up by fate to meet and change and amplify each other's lives.

This story, has just started to unfold it's pages.

- To be Continued -

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