Chapter 45 - Secret Rendezvous

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It's lunch time at Yotsuba Joushi Daigaku. And during this time of the day, the students are doing what you might they'd normally be doing. That's right, they're eating lunch.

But not for Ms. Shirasagi.

She's currently away from the crowd. On a secret rendezvous.

"So? How's he doing?" Chisato asked.

She's currently on the phone with one of their bodyguards.

"He's doing alright. He's been on edge for a while now, but he seems to have returned to his normal self. I gotta say... it's so nice to see him like this again... How long has it been since he was last this chipper? 2 years ago?" He replied.

"That's good news indeed... Aya has been on edge as well. But thanks to you and your silly little photo, she's back to good spirits." She replied.

"You're welcome ojou, it's what I do." He replied in a funny tone.

Chisato relaxes her body. She finds a place to sit before continuing their conversation.

"Seriously.... Just how do you manage to get away with these things?" She asked.

"Impressed?" a short but blunt reply.

"I really am impressed..." Chisato praised her bodyguard.

"I've known Anon for a while and I've been very observant of him. I've been wanting to find the right words to say to him for a while now... I don't think it's that impressive that it took me 2 years to come up with a proper answer...." He replied. His voice seem to have gone a bit sad.

"That's ridiculous! Don't say that... You've been an awful good help to both Anon and Aya!" Chisato scolds him on the phone.

"You mean I haven't been helpful to you ojou?" He replied.

That replied caught Chisato off guard. She blushes at the fact that it hit her too much, and why she couldn't casually admit and bring it up.

She flinched and forgot to reply.

"Ojou???" He reached out.

"W-What exactly are you saying?! Of course you've been a great help to me!" She replied.

You've been nothing but great... I feel a little guilty relying on you too much...

"I was kidding, Of course I knew that! NYAHAHAHAHA!" he replied as he laughs his butt off.

"Why you....!!!" Chisato wishes she could take what she had just said back.


"What about you?" Chisato asked.

"What about me?" He asked.

"How are you? Did you get enough sleep? Have you eaten anything?" Chisato asked. The tone in her voice has changed. She's worried. She's simply concerned.

"Ahhh... Sleep wasn't much, but it's enough to get me to function throughout today. And yeah, I ate earlier and won 2 Pork Cutlet Sandwhiches." He replied.

"That's good... I still need you to update me about things going on over there. So don't overdo it okay..?" Chisato said.

"That's all it is huh?"

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing.. I'll stay out of trouble and I'll make sure to take care of myself."

"Y-Yeah... thanks..." Chisato replied.

Eh? What was that about? Was he expecting something???




"Why do you go out of your way to losten to my selfish orders and requests?"

"I'm just doing my job."

"We both know very well that that's not part of your job description. You're here to protect us, not to run errands for me..."

Makoto let's out a sigh on the other end of the phone.

"It's not fair if I'm the only one who's honest here, ojou." He replied.

That's... he has a point... But how does he know that I'm not being honest here?


"I'm worried about you, okay? Genuinely. And it's not because it's convenient for me... I'm not that awful...." Chisato replied.

"Because what?" Makoto pushes Chisato onto a corner.

"Because... you're important to me..." Chisato replied.

"And with that, you should also understand why I go out of my way to help you, right?" Makoto replied.

I should understand...? ehhh?? EHHHH?!

"I'm...important to you?" Chisato asked.

"Why do you think I call you Ojou? Chisato." Makoto asked.

"Because I don't like it when you call me Ms. Shirasagi!! it's too long... Ojou is still a little bit too much.... But I've gotten used to it so...." Chisato's reply was honest. But, it seems like her thoughts are all over the place. Like her emotions right now.

"Then, would you like me to call you by your first name more often?" Makoto asked.

"That's... well I don't really mind that anymore.... Wait... why am I getting flustered over this anyways?!" Chisato said.

"Don't worry ojou. You can keep asking for things like this as much as you want. It's convenient and favorable for me anyways." Makoto replied.

"You think giving me special treatment might get you a raise? Don't grt your hopes up!" Chisato replied.

"That's not it." Makoto said.

"Oh yeah?... well... you don't really have to give me any special treatment just because you work for us..." Chisato replied.

"That's not the reason why I do so much for you." Makoto said.

Chisato froze from Makoto's most recent reply. She puts her vacant hand on her mouth and can't help but get flustered after that.

Hundreds and thousands of thoughts are now rushing to Chisato's head.

"W-Wait.. W-What do you mean by that?!" Chisato asked.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!! I gotta go now Ojou, enjoy your lunch break!" Makoto replied and immediately dropped the call.

"Wait!! come back here!! Makoto??..." Chisto realized shortly that Makoto has gotten to her nerves. But more importantly... her head.

"What does that idiot think he's saying...." Chisato said to herself.

Her face was flushed and she spent the rest of lunch thinking about what Makoto meant when he said those words.

- To be Continued -

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