Chapter 1: to the city

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"Well, I think that's everything.I'm gonna miss you bitches."
Maddy said as she teared up while hugging BB and Kat. They were helping Maddy pack up the last of her items into the moving truck as she was headed to the city.
"We're gonna miss you too." Kat said as Bb nodded.
"I'm gonna call whenever I can." Maddy said assuring a water eyed Kat.
"I'm just ready to get away from all the bullshit." Maddy said sighing thinking of the last year full of Nate's drama and Cassie's backstabbing.
"Don't look back." Kat said hugging Maddy one more time as Maddy was about to go.
"I love you both." Maddy said as she cried and walked to the car.
"Love you, too." They replied.
Maddy shut the door. She took one final look at the place that raised her and stuck her middle finger up high.
"Fuck this whole town!" Maddy shouted while giggling as the girls all laughed when Maddy was pulling off.

2 hours later

Maddy got out her car ready and nervous to start over. When she found her apartment she immediately wanted to leave as it was very difficult to even look at.
"Fuck my life." Maddy sighed as she placed her stuff down and wiped down the entire kitchenette. Maddy went down to the restaurant near her a few hours later when she seen these really well off looking people stressed.
"Where are we gonna get a fucking nanny?" She sighed as she got off the phone annoyed.
"Are kids are dumbasses ofc they did some dumb shit. All we can do is pray." The man said upset. Maddy, confident as always, approached the couple.
"Hi. I overheard your looking for a nanny? Well I was a nanny earlier this year for Samantha Hilda and I'm available if wanted." Maddy said, not feeling any fear at all.
"I'm sorry. Who are you?" The women asked confused
"Sorry, I'm Madeleine Perez, and I'm asking if you would like me to be a nanny for you?" She responded.
"How old are you?" The man asked, curious as they felt desperate
"I'm 18 and I just moved to the city." Maddy said, trying her best to come off well-trained.
"Oh, so you just graduated?" The women asked, still hesitant.
"Yes, but I'm great with kids." Maddy said, undaunted.
"Your GPA?" She asked
"I graduated with mostly A's and B's. A few C's but I'm very smart." Maddy said, keeping her words well steady.
"Ok, well if you were to take this job, you'd have to move in." The women warned
"Oh, that's perfect actually." Maddy smiled
"Ok, well give your number and we'll discuss this more next week." The man replied
"Alright, thank you." Maddy beamed, proud of her making moves already.

6 hours later
Maddy was having severe nightmares that night, thinking of Nate finding out where she lived and bringing his gun again. She had this dream a lot since February.
"I guess I couldn't leave all that shit." Maddy sighed.
She couldn't call her mom cause that would let her know she lied about Tyler a while back.
Maddy hated herself for that everyday.
She cried herself back to sleep and eventually was waken again by her alarm.
"Fuck!" Maddy hissed
She got dressed and walked the city to get acquainted.
When texting Kat, some guy bumped into her.
"Yo, what the fuck watch where your fucking going." Maddy yelled at the guy pissed as he knocked her phone out her hand.
"You bumped into me asshole." The guy replied calmly.
When she grabbed her phone, she looked to see a guy, taller than her but not like Nate, brown skinned and very handsome to Maddy.
She stared briefly sprung before looking down and walking away.
"A sorry wouldn't fucking hurt." The guy yelled
"Fuck you." She replied, unbothered

Maddy: Bitch sorry some dumbass who is lowkey fine just bumped into me.

Kat🖤: he's fine?🤭

Maddy: stfu, not the point. People out here are so rude. I'm home🙂

Kat🖤: happy for u
How does the guy look?

Maddy: bitch idk I just looked for a second

Kat🖤: yeah ok

Maddy: stfu

Kat🖤: Wait until I tell bb you already found a guy

Maddy: I'm actually gonna block u

Kat🖤: love u

Maddy: love u too

Maddy's pov:

I wasn't that far along finished texting Kat's irritating ass before someone texted me.

Hi, after careful review we would love to have you be the new nanny. Start packing as soon as possible. You start Monday.

Thank you,
Cooker's family.

I didn't know who the fuck that was until I read the nanny part. Fuck I got the job and I can already move out this weak ass apartment. I texted Kat the good news but she just focused on the rando I bumped into. Well his ass bumped into me. But anyways I started packing up as Monday was 2 days away.
I am also not really that interested in dating right now. Too much.

Writers note:
First chapter very short cause I didn't wanna cram it in the first part.

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