Chapter 12: First date

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Maddy's pov:
I woke up to Bryce snoring once again.
He seriously should get that checked out, it sounds like he's choking.
Anyways, I slipped out of bed since I could hear footsteps upstairs and I figured the kids might need me at some point.
Of course I was right as Erica came banging on my door to ask me to brush her hair.
I did and soon after all 3 of them were up and so was Henry and Bryce making breakfast.
"Hi." Bryce said with a grin to me when I came downstairs.
The kids were already eating but I had been getting ready.
"Hey..." I said, unsure where his mind was at
"Can we talk?" He asked
I was confused as he brought me into the family room.
He kissed me and pretty soon I was straddling him.
However I realized the kids were in the other room.
"Not right now." I said heavy breathing as I kissed his cheek and got off of him.
"Alright." He said kissing my cheek and helping me balance myself
"Where's this date?" I said staring in his eyes
"I told you."
"No you didn't."
"Exactly! It's a surprise." He said getting up
I rolled my eyes and went upstairs he followed
We made out on my bed for about 10 mins and would have went further if the children weren't awake.
"Alright I'm out." He said kissing my cheek and leaving
"Okay, bye." I said blushing, not expecting him to be so soft and kind.
Soon after I heard yelling downstairs and it was the kids fighting.
"Stop!" I said yelling walking down the stairs
"Your such a bitch!" Jordan said hitting Jess
"Woah" I said
"Why the fuck did you tell mom?"
"You told her I had a girlfriend, she should know you have a damn kid!"
"Wait you told your mom?"
"You knew?"
"And she didn't tell cause she's not an asshole!"
"Stop! Jess go to your room, we'll talk in a minute. Jordan sit your ass down." I said upset trying to get composure.
I knew I was fucked for keeping that from the parents.
"Whatever." Jess said stomping up the stairs
"Why the fuck did you tell your parents?"
"Jess called mom and she told her about my girlfriend. I got mad so I remembered the pregnancy test I saw in the bathroom and I knew it wasn't yours cause I've seen your plan b's in your room. So I told them."
I don't know when he was in my room but that was something to ask another day.
"You do realize the difference in the things you told right? You just fucked up your sisters life."
"She's the one who likes to act like a damn hoe."
"She's not a hoe for doing what she wants with her body."
"Whatever. Of all people talking, shit you've probably been pregnant." He laughed
"No but I'm curious why you think that." I said, fully knowing the answer.
"Whatever. She chose to have sex unprotected-
"You don't know that but alright." I said done with the conversation.
I made him go to his room and I talked to Jess.
When we finished I got a call from Kat that really threw me.
"Hey Kat, what's up?"
"So the news is gonna be out soon all over social media but I figured you should hear it from me."
"What..." I said nervous
"Nate got Cassie pregnant and proposed last night at some party."
My heart stopped for a second, I couldn't talk.
I'm over Nate or at least I thought I was.
"Yeah that shit is so lame. Who gets married at 19?" Kat laughed
I knew Nate, he always said he wanted to marry me and for me to have his babies. If it weren't for Cassie, I probably would have by now.
It wasn't something I necessarily wanted. But I wanted him. Badly. And I thought it was the same for him. But he happily replaced me, with someone who was dumber then me. Someone dumb enough to let that monster impregnate them.
I wanted to be happy or mad. But I just felt sad.
Not for me though, I felt for Cassie.
"She's totally fucked." I said laughing
She probably thinks she's the most important thing to him, but she's just my replacement and all you can do is laugh.
After me and Kat talked, I went to my room and tried to figure some shit out.
How to get out of trouble with the parents and what to do if I get fired.
Eventually I decided to just paint my nails and do my hair
It's my favorite way to relax.
About 2 hours later I got a text, from someone unexpected.

Fuck Nate: hey. I know u hate me and u got every right.
But I just wanted to know when u would be in town?

I ignored the text and blocked him, even though I thought I already did.
What a dick, he just proposed to his girlfriend while trying to talk to me, his ex girlfriend.
I hate Cassie but I still feel bad for her cause that's fucked up
Not long after, I started getting dressed since my date with Bryce was soon.
I put on a purple crop top with a pair of low-rise jeans and wedge sandals.
I put my hair in a bun and wore some gold hoops.
I decided to not do wings and to keep my eyes neutral.
I added a little golden glitter over my lids though.
As I walked down the stairs my stomach felt weird but not like scared.
Jess came down and took a few pics of me before he came out of his room.
He was ready in decent time and came out shortly.
"Don't get pregnant." Jess laughed
"Shut up." I say not paying her any attention
"You look nice. Didn't think you would actually listen and be super casual." He laughed kissing my cheek
"If I can be comfortable, trust me I will be."
"You ready?"
"I've been waiting on you. Come on!" I say grabbing his arm.
We get in the car and i immediately hear the radio start up.
"So, you like rap, pop, R&B...Latin? Shit didn't mean it like that" He says, trying not to offend me
"I like all of it, I don't really care." I say laughing
We talk for a while before things are silent on the way there. Outside of the music.
The quiet was nice.
At one point he had put his hand on my inner thigh.
Made me regret not wearing a skirt.
"Maddy we're here." He said stopping the car
"Oh." I say mildly disgusted
It was a restaurant on the worst street of the city.
"What?" He says smirking
I know what he was doing.
"Whatever. Let's go, open my door." I say laughing at him.
He wanted me to get an attitude so he could prove I was some boujee bitch who thinks she's better. Which I am.
But he won't be getting that from me.
"So, what do you wanna eat?" He said asking me as I read the menu
"Probably just some broccoli." I say rolling my eyes at the menu full of heavy food.
"How about instead you actually eat some food." He says, handing me a blunt since it's allowed in here
"I don't wanna gain more weight than what you've already been doing." I say annoyed taking a puff
"Maddy you look fine now just order something off this menu please."
"Fuck I'll get the chicken and rice. That's it."
"Alright. I'll just get the rice and gravy."
"Cool. Now I'm gonna ask you in the most respectful way, am I being pranked or something? Why the fuck did we come here" I ask a little disgusted
"Well because it's my favorite restaurant and despite the looks, the food is great." He says smiling at me
"Fine. I trust your food opinions." I say rolling my eyes
We talk for a while about everything and absolutely nothing important.
Then when are food gets to the table, Bryce says a quick prayer and we eat.
"Oh, this food isn't terrible." I laugh feeling bad that I doubted him
"See" he says with a stupid smile
We eat and he talks with his mouth full of rice and I tell him he's 3 years old.
"Okay so we talk about my life all the time. What about you?" I say wanting to get to know him more
"Well you know I have a kid. Who I have yet to actually meet." He says embarrassed
"Why not?" I ask hoping he's not a deadbeat type
"She didn't tell me she was pregnant until after we broke up. And when I tried to get involved she told me to stay the fuck away. I did everything to prove I was responsible. I even did a baby shower for her ass. But next thing I know she gets angry with me cause I was talking to another girl-
"Oh so your a cheater!" I say laughing sarcastically
"No! We weren't...we weren't even together, I was just trying to be there for the damn baby."
"Well did you tell her that?"
"I didn't have to, she was fucking niggas too."
"Well what happened?"
"She wouldn't let me see the baby when she was born and then put me on child support just because. Anytime I've asked her about seeing the kid, she told me to 'fuck off'. So I had to leave culinary school and get a job."
"Well damn" I said bleakly
"Well let's talk about something less upsetting. What's your favorite movie?"
"What do you think?" I ask with a grin of curiosity
"Well you were a cheerleader in high school so I'm thinking Bring It On or Mean Girls" he says laughing
"Actually it's Casino."
"Starring Sharon Stone??" I said offensively
"Never heard of that shit a day in my life"
"Seriously? That's a problem. Whatever, what's your favorite movie?"
"Are you gonna laugh?"
"I don't know. Tell me!!"
"My favorite movie is Clueless."
I couldn't contain my laughter long
"See I didn't wanna tell you."
"It's fine. Clueless is fun."
Then we debated who had a better style Cher or Dionne.
I personally preferred Dionne.
I love being able to talk to a guy about this stuff and he doesn't feel insecure or some shit.
After a while we were heading out.
When we got in the car it was silent until halfway home.
"Maddy, I enjoyed tonight. Like a lot actually." He said with a smile. A toothy one
I didn't respond I just smiled like an idiot and he caught it
"I see you blushing." He laughed putting his hand on my hand.
"Shut up" I say smiling
When we pull up, I notice something.
The kids parents ride was in the front.
Which meant they were home
"Fuck!" I hiss
"What?" Bryce ask confused
"Well I'm probably about to be fired so...Fuck!!!" I say getting out the car slamming his door.
"Hey calm down okay-
"No I can't calm down my whole fucking life is about to be ruined. Fuck, I thought they wouldn't be here until next week."
"Look, just be honest and either way it goes, your life is not over."
Bryce gives me a quick hug before opening the door for me.
He goes through a window he left open so he could slip back in if the kids were awake.

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