Chapter 2: new job

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Maddy's pov:

So I packed my shit and got the fuck out that weird nasty apartment on Monday morning. Kids love me, at least Theo, loves me so this should be easy. How hard could one little kid be.

2 hours later

I finally got into the building I would be living in and it was so big.

I finally got into the building I would be living in and it was so big

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Way better than that shit show I was about to live in.
I always assumed I had to be with someone to be something.
But I don't know, being a nanny is something.
Anyways, I walked in when the women who I learned to be named Jessica approached. "Hi, Madeleine! Welcome, welcome I want you to meet the kids." She said kindly
It was tripping me that she was calling me Madeleine, only my teachers called me that if they were mad or something.
"I go by Maddy actually." I said trying my best to be respectful.
"Oh sorry. Well, Maddy, meet Erica, Jess and Jordan." She said.
I was taken aback cause I thought there was only one, maybe 2 kids, but three? This was already freaking me the fuck out.
"Oh, there's three of you." I said faking a smile, "nice to meet you!" I said knowing I couldn't change my mind.
"Who the fuck is you?" Jordan asked.
I already didn't like him, he's not like sweet Theo.
"I'm Maddy, your new nanny." I said being as friendly as possible.
"Your so pretty!" The little girl Erica said.
"Thank You and your stunning." I replied genuine, she was adorable.
"What's with the makeup?" The oldest, Jess, asked.
"What do you mean?" I said, trying to not get upset.
"It looks, trashy like your fucking clothes." She laughed
I wanted to slap the shit out of the bitch, she was only 4 years younger. But I needed to be nice.
"Well my outfits are how I like to dress, so I'm happy." I said pretending to not be pissed.
"Your room is this way." The mom intervened right in time.
She led me to this big room near that Jess girl's room. I wanted to leave but I wanted this.
I got comfortable before going downstairs to see the kids acting a fool. I didn't see the parents so I rushed to help.
"Hey, hey your little bad asses gotta sit down." I said being tough.
"You cussed." The Erica said being a little kid, "I'm telling." She pouted
"Don't get the bitch fired already ."Jess said in response while the kids laughed.
"Listen here. I'm gonna be nice if your nice. But I will be bitchy if you are. Clear?" I said scary the little ones while the older one rolled her eyes. It worked though. "Where the fuck are your parents?" I asked
"Not home. Get used to that." Jess said angry.
"Trust me, I am." I replied, thinking back to when my mom would be at work avoiding daddy.
"Where are you even from?" Jess asked
"East Highland. It's horrible shitty town." I said rolling my eyes.
"So is this fucking city." Jess replied, looking glum.
"Well make the most of it." I said, immediately seeing what this girl was like. She reminds me of me a little.
"I might like you." Jess said.
"Same." I replied.

7 hours later

I walked into the kitchen to check on the kids dinner when I saw him.
"You?" I said annoyed.
It was the guy from the street. He was cooking.
"No fucking way." I said.
"Your that bitch who bumped into me." He said.
"Thanks captain fucking obvious." I replied annoyed and a little excited at him being here. Can you blame me? Kat's never gonna shut the fuck up about it.
"You work here?" I asked
"Yeah for almost 2 years. Are you the next nanny?" He said sarcastically.
"I'm the new fucking nanny. Not the next." I said, hearing his nasty tone.
"Whatever, just leave me alone. I can see what your like." He said eying me.
"What the fuck does that mean?" I asked offended.
"Clutching to rich people until you can jump to something else. Some one who has never had a fucking problem in their life." He scoffed.
"You clearly don't fucking know me or anything I've dealt with." I said offended and given an ick about the guy.
"Nor do I give 2 fucks." He replied, not caring to talk to me much more.
"Fine fuck you then." I replied walking out, not caring to continue myself.
He don't know shit about me. I've dealt with a lot of shit. Nobody would ever really know. I don't think they'd care that much either. Cassie didn't. I started to tear up at the thought but was broken from the thoughts as the kids whined for food.
"It's coming. Chill the fuck out." I said annoyed. The food was brought out by the butler, Henry.
"Here you guys go." He said to the kids.
"Are you Henry?" I asked trying to learn who everyone was.
"Yes and you must be Maddy." He said, much nicer than the other guy I talked to.
"I am. Nice to meet you." I smiled, happy to be treated with some kindness today.
"Would you like anything?" He asked with a smile.
"Oh no. thank you." I replied.
I could deal with this.

2 days later

I loved my room but could not sleep. I felt scared, like every night.
I know Nate's a stalking type so he could find me. I eventually went to sleep but not before having the same repeated nightmare. I must have been screaming a little this time cause Jess walked into my.
"Maddy, shut the fuck up!" She says thinking I was moaning or something.
"Wait are you okay? your crying." She asked concerned. She was a nice girl deep down.
"Yeah I'm fine. Just a bad dream." I said, half lying. It wasn't entirely a dream cause it happened.
"About what?" She asked. I never told anyone about that night. It was too much. I just pretend it never happen. The same way I pretend he didn't hurt me.
"Nothing important." I replied, "Go to sleep." I said shooing her off. East highland managed to still follow a little. I decided to go to the kitchen for a glass of water. Of course he was there.
"Great." I said annoyed, "Just what I fucking need right now."
"Nice to see you too." He replied with a middle finger up.
"Whatever I just need some water." I said trying to hurry up. I don't know if he could tell something was up but his attitude lessened.
"Having a hard time adjusting?" He asked.
"Sure." I said knowing it was more about leaving old shit in the past then getting into the future.
"You'll get used to it. Except for Jess. She'll never like you." He laughed, knowing how she was.
"Actually, she's kind've like a bitchy way." I laughed.
"Well then clearly you seeing something different." He said sighing, "how old are you?" He asked.
"How old you think I am?" I asked, seeing if he could guess.
"44" he joked, knowing this would irk me.
"And on that note, fuck you and goodnight." I said closing the fridge and about to go back upstairs.
"Seriously though." He said, trying to get some kind've answer.
"I'm 18." I replied about to leave.
"Name?" He asked. So fucking nosy.
"Maddy Perez." I said trying to go to bed. But I was curious so I asked, "And yours?"
"I'm 20." he said.
"No I figured. What's your fucking name?" I said annoyed.
"Bryce." He said, laughing a little before walking to the other side of the kitchen.
"Well, goodnight Bryce." I said while walking upstairs.
I went back to my room and took few a deep breaths before going back to sleep.
Thankfully I didn't have the dream again.

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