Chapter 10: oppsgiving

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Maddy's pov:
So the kids left town to be with their parents for Thanksgiving shortly after Jess found out about her...dilemma...
and Henry left to visit his mom.
So that means it's just me and Bryce alone until Friday.
We were trying to fuck, but I just wasn't really feeling it.
"What's with you? It usually don't take more than 2 seconds to have you ready." He chuckles getting off of me, feeling how uninterested I was
"Sorry, I was thinking about some other shit."
"Like what?" He said kissing my neck
"Like, okay can you keep a secret?" I said somewhat moaning as him nuzzling my neck was starting to turn me on.
"Yeah." He said starting to kiss my chest.
"Jess...fuck...jess is pregnant." I moaned
He stopped what he was doing shocked.
"Really? Damn." He said feeling on my chest
"Yeah and her parents don't know." I said out of breath
"It's totally fucking stressing me out. I think her parents need to know, but...oh fuck..." I moaned not really being able to finish my words.
"Let me take some of that stress off." He whispered as he got started.
I moaned softly before he fucked me loud enough that the neighbors could hear.

1 hour later
He was gently placing kisses on my face, after showering.
I was wearing his shirt that was big on me.
He was wearing nothing but some sweat pants.
I placed my head on his chest as fell asleep.
I started feeling anxious about us.
We weren't together and that's whatever honestly I was scared about it being more.
Nate was the only guy I ever actually dated and it was awful.
And my parents relationship is terrible.
So I wonder if love is really a good thing.
Especially after Nate.
I couldn't sleep so I texted Kat.

Maddy: u sleep?
Kat: i was🫤 what's up?
Maddy: I just need to ask you something?
Kat: alr
Maddy: was I a bad gf with evil incarnate?
Kat:lol no
Why tho?
Maddy: just kind've curious
Kat: are u fucking that guy?🤭
I knew it!!
Maddy: ur so annoying
Kat: love u
Maddy: love u too💜

After texting Kat I just gave up on thinking for the night and went to sleep.
When I woke up the next morning I was alone in Bryce bed.
I walked into the kitchen to see Alana
"Fuck. I didn't know you were here." I said quickly going back to the room embarrassed. I went to find some pants.
She quickly followed me upstairs.
"I've seen you in your underwear. You embarrassed cause I saw you after getting dick."
She laughed handing me a shirt from my draw.
I flicked her off as I put the shirt over my head and went to the bathroom.
I brushed my teeth, did a half up and just did some wings but left my face mostly bare and shiny.
"Happy thanksgiving." She says when I finally come back downstairs.
"Happy thanksgiving. Have u seen..."
"Your boyfriend. He let me in and went to get a few things for us to eat later."
"he's not my boyfriend and great." I say rolling my eyes.
"Okay maddy." She grins playfully while I started working on some rice and she was making brownies.

Bryce pov:
I think I really like Maddy.
But I don't know she's really unsure about what she want.
But anyways I decided to make fried chicken, collard greens and potatoes for Thanksgiving.
When I got back, the house smelled amazing
"So you can cook?" I grin at Maddy surprised
"I never said I couldn't. Just said I didn't want to dummy." She said playfully pushing me.
I wanted to kiss her but her friend, Alana, might not be far.
We're not a secret or anything, but I feel like pda would give off the vibe that we're a couple and we're not.
At least not yet.
"So, where's Alana?" I ask walking over to her
"In the bathroom, so no we aren't doing shit right now." She said walking past me to check on some brownies.
"Well you fucking invited her." I said mildly annoyed
I didn't really understand why though.
We've been alone together before.
We've been inside each other, so I'm confused why we can't just eat alone.
But ladies wishes
"Yeah, to make it more fun later." She giggled before walking away with her middle finger up.
I started cooking and I couldn't help grinning the whole time.
Maddy and Alana were upstairs getting ready while I finished up the food.
A few hours later, Maddy came down the stairs and fuck, she's so fine.

What Maddy was wearing:

Of course I couldn't say that shit in front of Alana so I said some dumb shit like,"You ain't got no normal clothes, Perez

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Of course I couldn't say that shit in front of Alana so I said some dumb shit like,
"You ain't got no normal clothes, Perez." I realized how stupid it sounded right away but she just rolled her eyes.
"Is the food ready?" Maddy asked
"Yeah, I already set the table."
All 3 of us went into the kitchen and ate when Alana made the most awkward, corny joke.
"Bryce, I'd ask if you want some of my brownies, but I know you prefer Maddy's cookies." She laughed as Maddy's cheeks looked red.
"Bitch really?" Maddy said embarrassed.
"Excuse me, I um...I think I need something to drink actually." I said getting up and looking through the refrigerator.
I could hear Maddy scolding Alana

Maddy's pov:
Alana just embarrassed me so bad today.
Bryce was so uncomfortable he left the table
"Why the fuck would you say that?" I said whispering to her
"Because I'm about to leave and I thought you needed a good Segway." She said getting up before giving me a hug and saying bye to Bryce.
"Well that was fucking awkward." I laughed
"Yeah...but I guess she wasn't lying." He said getting in my space.
We started kissing as he rubbed up on my ass
Pretty soon he had picked me up and we were fucking.
He was breathing on me heavy as we kept going and I was almost done before he said, "not yet."
"I'm gonna count down from ten and I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you but I want you to hold it until I get to 1." He whispered out of breath.
And he did just that.
He started placing kisses on my neck and stomach before grabbing me a shirt.
Then he said something that made my heart stop. In the best and worst way.

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