chapter 8: finally

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Maddy's pov:
I've been going to therapy for the last month.
I got a lot off my chest and because it's Alana's aunt, she gives me a little extra time to talk and it feels good to just open up about some shit.
When I got home from recent session, of course Bryce annoying ass was there.
"Hey, we need to talk." He said all serious and shit.
"Why?" I asked skeptic.
"Because I want you to feel, like comfortable to talk to me and shit. I shouldn't have kissed you that day cause ever since things have just been so weird." He says like the words are just uncontainable.
"Why do you care if I talk to you or-"
"Because we live together and to an extent I care about your annoying ass."
"Why though?" I ask with a grin, knowing the reason.
"You know why, dummy." He says leaning as our lips collide.
He wraps his arms around my waist and picks me up like it's nothing.
He places me on the couch and gets on top of me.
His hands caress my chest and inner thigh as he starts kissing my neck.
"You like that?" He whispers in my ear as his lips move up and down my neck
"Yes, fuck." I moan in a whisper
I can feel his dick getting hard on my thigh.
He starts to move his hand up my shirt as the door unlocks.
"Shit." I whisper pushing him off me as the door starts to open.
He quickly moves to the other side of the couch and places the pillow over his dick.
Obvious much.
"Hey, kids." I say trying to catch my breath.
"Hey." Jess says suspiciously
"How was un, how was your day?" I ask still trying to catch my breath.
Damn Bryce did quite a number cause I was soaking.
"It was good. Hey Maddy, could you come to the kitchen with me real quick?" Jess ask looking at me and Bryce suspicious.
Fuck. she knows.
"Um, sure." I say pretty convincingly even though I'm lowkey shitting myself.
We walk into the kitchen and she immediately presses me.
"You guys were making out weren't you?" She asks eying me.
I don't even attempt to lie cause I don't see the point.
"Was he good?" She asks right after
"None of your business. Get ready for homework." I say playfully pushing her up the stairs to get started on her work.
Bryce walks in soon after and starts to kiss me but I pull away.
"Later." I whisper in his ear walking away with a playful grin.
When I get upstairs I text Alana about what happened.

Alana: I told you!!
I knew y'all liked each other
Was he good?

Maddy: calm down bitch.
But yea it was v good😏

8 hours later

The kids were finally asleep when I slipped downstairs to see Bryce talking to Henry.
"Hi, Maddy. Are you okay?" He asked surprised to see me at this hour.
"Oh no I'm fine I um, just needed to talk to Bryce." I said with a smile.
"Oh then I'll just find my way to bed. Have a nice evening." He said with a smirk. I think he knows too.
Bryce stands up from the chair when he can hear that Henry has closed his bedroom door.
"So, did you wanna finish the shit you started or you too scared" I say teasing leaning up against the counter while playing with my nails as he walks over to me.
"Shut up." He says in a sexy ass voice as he pulls me in to kiss him.
He slides his tongue as I allow it to enter and I start sliding in my tongue too.
He soon wraps his arms around my waist and picks me up while cupping my ass.
He places me on the counter and starts kissing my neck and places his hand in my between my thigh as he starts to things with his fingers.
"fuck." I moan quiet as possible as he continues both of these actions.
He soon picks me up from the counter and we stop kissing for a moment as he grabs my hand and leads me to his bedroom as his isn't upstairs where the kids or Henry could hear us.
He closes the door and presses me against the wall as he kisses me soft but rough on the neck.

Bryce pov:
I'm finally doing it.
Without saying a word, letting Maddy feel how I feel about her.
As I kiss her on the neck, I can feel myself getting hard and when I was fingering Maddy, she was clearly wet.
Soon I pick her up and softly lay her on my bed.
Can't even lie, I've been waiting since that day in the pool for this.

Maddy pov:
After he lays me on the bed, he whispers "Can I?" In my ear softly, referring to my clothes.
"Please and hurry the fuck up." I say softly but ready to get started.
He laughs and removes my pajamas.
I wasn't wearing any underwear cause when I came downstairs I was kind've hoping this would happen.
"Oh so you was ready?" He laughs while kissing me.
"Shut up and fuck me." I grin as he removes his boxers.
He's got a, well you know🤭
My eyes widen slightly as he grins and starts kissing me.
I wrap my legs around his as we kiss and do some dirty things
We go for a while.
We kiss softly for a moment before taking a shower and then falling asleep with his arms wrapped around me while I where his t shirt and boxers.
I feel at peace for once. Not for long though.

Bryce pov:
As I'm holding Maddy in my arms, we both fall asleep before I'm woken by Maddy shaking and sobbing while softly crying some guys name.
"Stop it, Nate." She's saying in her sleep while crying.
"Maddy, wake up." I shake her softly which seems to work as she shoots up crying and breathing heavy.
She grabs my hand tight.
"Maddy, calm down he's not here." I say holding her.
"How do you-"
"I heard you last month talking to Alana."
"You were fucking spying on me." She grumbles
"Possibly, but have you talked to your therapist about it?"
"We haven't got that far."
"Bullshit. You've been going for a month now." I say kissing her softly trying to get her to relax.
"Whatever. Just keep doing that and shut up." She says laying on my chest before falling back to sleep.
I hold her close and soon fall back to sleep too.
I don't know why, but I think I care about Maddy. I might like her too.

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