Chapter 4: friends

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Maddy's pov:
The kids were gone for the weekend to be with there parents. I had been working their for 3 weeks and Jess seemed to not completely hate me.
Jordan started lowkey crushing on me, of course cause who wouldn't.
And Erica listened more.
I was finally off and alone with only Bryce, as Henry was visiting family.
We hadn't really talked since that argument, or rather him attacking me, a few weeks back.
Unless you count me saying fuck you every time he'd walk by.
"Why aren't you going home?" He asked with an attitude.
"Cause I'm never going back unless I have a reason. Don't wanna be around the bullshit." I said looking at text from Kat, attempting to convince me to come home for the weekend, but that wasn't happening.
"The bullshit, as in?" He asked curious
"My ex. And my ex best friend." I said, finally talking about it a little to him.
"What? He dump your ass and get with her or some shit?" He asked with a laugh, "High school is over, who gives a shit."
"Well it's more complicated than that." I replied dryly.
"How? Y'all won prom court together or something?"
"No, but he-" I stopped myself. I didn't wanna talk about him.
"But he what?" He asked more curious.
"You know I don't really wanna talk about my ex so let's not." I said annoyed at him being concerned
"Why do you you even care, you fucking hate me." I say, turning off my phone and looking at him directly
"Well I'm bored and no one else is here so ask me something." He says rolling his eyes and sitting down on the couch.
"Okay. How'd you get this job?" I asked
"Oh um, I was working at this restaurant and the family liked me enough to where they asked about me working here. It pays good." He said, finally not being so damn rude.
"Oh that's cool. I haven't tried any of your food yet. Mostly cause I think you would try to poison me." I say eying him. He just laughs before handing me a bottle of wine.
The tension between us wasn't so...well tense.
"Okay, now tell me. What were you like in high school?" He asked, wanting to know.
I'm still embarrassed about some of the shit I did.
"I was cheerleader. Oh well, I got into some fights. But I was popular and I had a few decent fucking friends. I was called crazy by like every guy in the school. But they all still wanted to fuck me so..."I laugh embarrassed.
"Why they call you crazy? Aside from the obvious." He laughed, now getting high as a kite as he had started smoking while I had been talking.
"I mean I don't. Like I did sleep with guy in a pool once. But that was only to make my ex jealous. And maybe called his mom a cunt in front of a bunch of people." I laugh, reminiscing.
"You say that like it's any less crazy." He chuckles.
Weirdly we're getting along.
"What was your ex like? You talk about him a lot." He asks curious.
My face drops, not wanting to talk about Nate.
"The worst fucking person you could ever meet." I say this not joking at all. My body went numb briefly.
I could feel my palms getting sweaty. I look down at the floor.
"How? He cheat on you or some shit? Wait, it's cause of that friend of yours right?" He said chuckling
"Not friends anymore but um yeah sure that's one of the things. It's more deep than that though." I said, grabbing the bottle of wine.
"Well do I got pull at fucking teeth every time to get a answer?" He said annoyed
"Some shit is personal. I don't know you like that and you still don't like me." I said, rolling my eyes, "Talking about Nate is too touchy with someone who's just starting to be less of an asshole." I continued before drinking more wine.
"Nate? Well we got a name at least." he grinned while I rolled my eyes.
My stomach growled loud enough cause soon after he offered to make me something to eat.
"What are you making?" I asked following him into the kitchen.
"Let me see what we got in this bitch." He said checking the pantries.
"Ok how about a pizza with mushrooms and garlic sauce?" He asked while pulling stuff out and looking through the cook book.
"Sounds great but I don't eat any carbs." I said hungry but disappointed.
"It won't kill you." He joked
"But these abs don't just get here." I say pointing at my stomach.
"Yeah, well loosen the fuck up. That body isn't gonna be any less fine after having some pizza." He said turning on the oven.
"Oh so you think my body is fine?" I said with a silly grin and playful flirt. I couldn't contain myself.
He didn't answer but he was blushing.
Soon after he made the pizza and sat down.
It tasted amazing. I literally hadn't had pizza in years.
"See you like it. I told you you'd be good." He said smiling as I grabbed another slice.
"Shut the fuck up. Anyways, thank you. I would cook but...yeah I don't really have a excuse I just don't." I laugh while he rolls his eyes.
"Ok, so what do you like to do for fun?" He asks me.
"Oh, I don't know. The kid I used to nanny for got me into video games. And I enjoy swimming. It's therapeutic. I also like to bowl but I never win with these nails." I say giggling.
"Well, since we both finished, let's go for a swim." He said about to clean the plates off real quick.
"We just ate tho. Isn't their some weird ass rule." I reply hesitant.
"Who cares, come on." He says pulling me up.
"I don't even have my fucking bathing suit right now." I say playfully pulling from him.
"You got underclothes on right?" He asks annoyed, "come on." He begged
"Okay." I say pretending not to wanna go for a swim.
We get to the pool and I swim in my matching panties and bra.
Meanwhile he swims in his undergarments. I couldn't help but take a brief look at the shit he was packing under there. Goodness.
"Ok, so seriously, what do you plan on doing out here cause being a nanny can't be it." He said, looking right at me.
"I don't really fucking know. I never have cared about school so college isn't probably in the cards for me. Everyone at home wants me to come back but I hate that fucking town." I say sipping on another glass of wine.
"He was that bad?" He says blowing some more.
"You have no fucking idea." I say drinking more the more we talk of Nate.
"Well you seem to be great at the makeup shit. Why not try that?" He asked changing the subject due to my discomfort
"Thanks. Heard that once or twice. But I don't know if I wanna do that as professional thing. My mom worked in that industry kind've and I want nothing to do with her shit." I replied feeling depressed thinking of all the shit in East highland.
"Fucked you up, huh?" He uncomfortably chuckled while grabbing the wine to get a drink for himself.
I didn't respond that time I just looked down. Too much to talk about.
For a while it was silent. He just swam while I drank more wine while some old school R&B music played. It was nice.
"I'm sorry for that shit I said the other day. Your not completely a bitch." Bryce said drying off as we got out the pool.
"Thanks. But your still a complete dick." I said with a smile. I was half-joking. We were both tipsy and he was high so we called it a night. We had spent about 4 hours together.

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