Chapter 9: scare

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Bryce pov:
When I woke up the next day after we had hooked up, Maddy had already slipped out of my room before anyone woke up and went back to her room.
The next few days were awkward.
Maddy hardly talked to me and when she did it was only work related.
It wasn't until like 4 days later that we talked.
"Maddy, are we gonna just pretend like it didn't happen?" I ask her while she's cleaning the table.
"That's the plan, yeah." She says not even looking at me.
"Why though? I thought we was doing something?" I say honestly
"Why cause we fucked?" She laughs "you aren't the first guy I've slept with and you won't be the last." She says annoyed
"Why you being like that? Cause we both know it's more than that." I say confused at her being so cold
"Being like what?" She asks looking me in the eyes, clearly getting pissed off
"Maddy if you wanna act like that shit was just a fling to make yourself feel better cause you slept with some cook then fine-
"It's not about that!" She shouts at me angry
"Then tell me why you trying to act like we didn't have something?"
"You don't even know shit about me for real."
"That's what dates are for."
"I'm good."
"I get it. You don't wanna be with no nigga from the hood who cooks for some rich kids who don't even fuck with-
"And that's why I'm not gonna fuck with you for real. You think that's what I fucking care about." She says obviously hurt
"You don't wanna give me a chance cause I don't know you for real, because you won't really open up to me?" I say confused and annoyed
"Are you trying to play stupid or something? I won't give you chance cause you keep making these fucking assumptions about me and what the fuck I care about." She says with direct and angry tone.
Before I could say anymore she pulled me into her and we started kissing.
Soon we were in my room and she had pulled my clothes off.
We started fucking and I don't even really know how.
I just know I loved every second of it.
Maddy was putting her clothes back on since Henry was about to be home and so were the kids.
"I'm taking you out Friday." I say putting my boxers back on
She sighs before saying, "How about instead we do a Thanksgiving thing here. Just me, you and Alana for a few hours. Since Friday me, Alana and Jess are going shopping for Black Friday."
"Okay. First oppsgiving." I joke
"I'm an opp?" She grins playfully before kissing me and leaving the room.

Maddy's pov:
"I knew you'd fuck him eventually, I knew it was coming." Alana giggled while I did her makeup for a date she had.
"Can you not? Seriously I've slept with a lot of guys. Doesn't mean anything." I say lying.
"Why did you invite me instead of taking the chance to be with your boo for Thanksgiving?"
"Cause I panicked a little. I haven't been on a actual date with anyone besides my ex." I say dryly while applying lip liner
"Well don't let that stop you from having a relationship."Alana says trying to be helpful.
"Well anyway, who cares about that right now. Your about to look so hot. Well more than usual." I say finishing up her eyeliner.
"And done. Girl, he will totally wanna fuck you." I say moving her to mirror.
It's nice to have a friend out here who's my age and you know, not someone I've fucked.
"Hey, can I come in?" Jess asks knocking on the door.
"Yeah why not." I reply
"Oh you look nice. By the way Maddy, you and Bryce are not very quiet." Jess says slyly
My mouth dropped cause while I did tell Jess we kissed, I wouldn't tell a freshly 15 year old about my sex life.
"Okay you can leave." I say opening the door for her.
"Wait, I um kind've need your help with something."
"What?" Alana chimes in as I start working on her ponytail.
"So let's say, I maybe slept with someone and he didn't use protection-
"I'd say take a test and see a doctor." I replied nonchalantly while doing Alana's hair
"Can you go with me to get one? Mom will kill me if she found out." Jess said upset
"Shit your serious?" I say stopping what I'm doing realizing she was actually concerned
"Well duh."
"Umm, I don't really wanna overstep." I reply hesitant
"Maddy come on please? If mom finds out I'll take the blame." Jess says begging
"Okay, fuck I'll take you when I finish up with Alana." I say swooping her edges.
"Thank you." Jess says walking out the room
"That shit has got to be scary." Alana said feeling bad about Jess
"I know. I thank God I never had a pregnancy scare during high school. Which is kind've insane cause I slept with a lot of people." I laugh while pulling her hair back
"I thought I did. With my ex, he broke up with me when he thought I was but I found out it was just cramps and food poisoning. But I didn't get back with his ass." Alana said honestly
"Well he missed out." I said adding a headband and moving her over to my big mirror.
"I love it. You know, Maddy, your like really good at styling. Like amazing actually." She said admiring herself in the mirror
I thought about what she said after she left.
I never considered being a stylist or something.
But I didn't think I'd be a nanny and here we are.
I didn't get to simmer in my thoughts long as I had to get Jess to the drug store.
"I'm such a fucking idiot." She sighed as we roamed the aisle looking
"Your not an idiot. Your living your life and you made a mistake." I said honestly
"And the thing is, he told me he would wear protection, I asked him to, but then I could feel he wasn't." She said pissed
"Jess that's illegal?" I said stopping in the middle of the aisle.
"Whatever we don't gotta make it that deep." She replied somber as she picked up a test.
"Grab an STD test too." I replied as I saw one right next to the pregnancy test.
"Okay, wait fuck you don't think I got an infection or like something incurable?" Jess said panicking while picking up the test
"No, but for safety reasons it's a good idea to check." 
After buying the test we went back to the house and Jess went to the bathroom to pee.
I was waiting in my room when I got a knock on my door.
"Come on." I say thinking it's Jess until I see it's actually Bryce.
"Oh, hi. I thought your were Jess." I say
"Do you want me to leave?" He asks about to leave the room before I grab his arm
"No, what's up?"
"I just came to bring you this." He says holding up my bra from the other night when we hooked up.
"Shit, I didn't realize I had forgot it." I say snatching it from him
"A thank you would be nice." He grins
"Thank you." I say with a fake smile before rolling my eyes
"Was that all you came up here for?" I ask softly
Before long we're making out on the bed and I can feel his friend getting excited on my thigh.
Before we can really get into it, Jess knocked on my door.
"Fuck." I hiss knowing I can't get him out my room.
"Come in." I say pushing his off of me, as if she didn't already know.
"Oh am I interrupting something?" Jess grinned
"No, I was just leaving. We'll um, discuss the situation more-
"I already know." Jess said rolling her eyes as Bryce walked out.
I set an alarm for the pregnancy.
It was awkward silence for a moment before it went off.
Jess started crying uncontrollably before having me look at the test as she was too scared.
I can't even lie my heart was thumping.
As I looked at the test, I couldn't help but feel a wave of sadness.
When I didn't say anything, Jess knew.
"Fuck my life is over. I'm dead." Jess cried even more.
"I mean, you can always-
"No I don't want to get a fucking abortion and my parents wouldn't let me anyway!" She yelled in tears
"Jess your gonna be okay. Calm down." I said trying to be as comforting as possible, but honestly I didn't really know how.
The last person I knew who had a pregnancy scare, i can't exactly ask for advice on how to handle this.
"Maddy just, can you leave me the fuck alone for now, please just go away. I wanna be alone." She cried as I hugged her.
"No, because what happened wasn't fucking okay. You need to press charges."
"For what? Me fucking a guy and getting pregnant?" She yelled at me confused
"No, for fucking stealthing."
"Maddy I told you it's not that-
"Did you consent to having sex without protection?"
"No, but I consented to fucking and when I could feel there was nothing, I could've stopped. But I didn't wanna start shit, so that's on me."
"No matter how you put it, it's still wrong." I said pissed cause her life got ruined by some guy who was too stupid to even do the basics.
"Whatever, leave me the fuck alone." She pushed me away and flopped on her bed.
"For now. But we're gonna have to talk about it eventually." I said, leaving the room trying to give her some time to think.
I really don't know how to handle this.
The worse thing I dealt with was Theo asking me where babies came from and it's easy to sway their mind about something like that.
I don't wanna keep it from the parents but like it's not my place to tell.
Things are about to be complicated.

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