Chapter 11: i like you

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Bryce pov:
"Maddy, I know we've fucked and hung out but we haven't really talked we feel about each other and it's making things...confusing?" I said unsure if what I said was right
She softly sighed before saying
"Well how do you feel about me?" She asked looking a little scared of my answers.
"I feel like your really...different. In a good way, I think...I know I like you. A lot actually." I said scared if she'd be receptive.
"Really?" She said softly
"Yeah, Maddy. Your funny and you kind've made me realize people can be more than one kind of fucking thing. I like that you challenge me. How quick you are with what you say. I like how confident you are in the clothes and makeup you wear. I like the fact that even though you act like you don't care, you care a lot. I also like how you are with kids and how you like to walk around like your a mean bitch but your actually lowkey one of the nicest fucking human beings I've ever met. And your also fine as fuck
I like you, Maddy."
All of that just kept spilling out, like I couldn't control it.
Maybe because everything I said put a smile on her face.
Her eyes were filled with tears by the time I actually shut up.
"I like you too. I've only ever had real feelings for one other person so I know that if I'm feeling this way it's fucking real." She said while I was wiping her tears
"Well what are we doing?" I said laughing.
"Look, I wanna be with you. Bad. But all I've ever fucking seen or felt with love never ended up feeling good-
"Yeah well that wasn't love, Maddy." I said sad that the only ideas of love she had was that relationship with whoever that pos was that abused her and her parents who from I gathered, don't really like each other.
"If we were to date, you'd have to understand I'm going into this completely... I won't deal with half of that shit again." She said not finishing her sentence and shaking a little.
I grabbed her hand and said, "What are walls for if you don't find someone good to break them?" I sounded corny as but I want to make her happy.
"Your such a fucking cornball." She said laughing before I pulled her in and kissed her face
"We're gonna try this, okay?" I said looking down at her
"Okay." She said softly looking up at me smiling with tears still coming down her face and all on my chest.
Eventually she was sleeping quietly on me.
My arm was starting to feel numb but I didn't move her.

Maddy's pov:
When I woke up, Bryce cute annoying ass was snoring.
I recorded him snoring before texting Kat and Bb and then texting Alana.
This shit is scary. Good and bad.
He's the only guy I've seriously dated outside of Nate.
"Maddy, you up?" I heard his tired voice from behind
"Yeah." I said turning over to kiss him
"Your voice sounds so sexy right now" He said kissing my neck
"Doesn't it always?" I whisper panting
"Yeah but that rasp is doing something for me right now." He said getting on top of me, kissing my neck and putting himself inside of me.
His morning sex was even better.
We were right in the middle of fucking when we heard someone calling our names.
"Maddy? Bryce?" It was the kids and their parents
"Shit. I forgot they would be home today." I whispered pushing him off of me.
We're both grown but I don't think they'd appreciate the activities we were doing in their home.
"Shit. Pass me some pants please." I said as Bryce through it to me.
"How the fuck am I supposed to walk out your room and not make it obvious what we were doing?" I said panicking.
"Go out the window and go through the front door. Act like you weren't here." Bryce says
"You want me to climb out of the window?" I said skeptical
"Just come on." He said grabbing my hand and helping me out the window.
I went around and knocked on the door.
"Maddy! I was just looking for you." Jessica, their mother said.
"Mrs. Cooker, nice to see you. Sorry I had stepped out to visit a friend and I forgot my key." I lied seamlessly
"Oh, it's fine." She said before giving me the usual instructions of watching the kids.
And the usual rule of getting permission before having someone over.
Once she left, Alana was on the way over so we could go shopping.
I slipped upstairs and was going to change into my own clothes since I was wearing Bryce's clothes. I didn't plan on giving them back though.
"Those clothes seem kind've big on you." Jess smiled knowing it wasn't mine
"Shut the fu-please be quiet Jess." I said catching myself as I could hear Henry near my door.
"Did you have fun?" She laughed looking through my closet
"Fun I can't talk to you...fuck I forgot." I said remembering she's definitely active
Still feels inappropriate to talk about with a child so I didn't respond.
Anyways after we got dress and ate some breakfast, we went to meet Alana.
Black Friday shopping was fun even though they were both trying to get details out of me about Bryce.
"Your two are fucking nosy." I said rolling my eyes
Not long after we went to the food court he texted me.

Bryce: wanna go out tmrw?
Maddy: where?
Bryce: u wanna go or not?💀
Maddy: I need a place to know how to dress accordingly dumbass
Bryce: somewhere casual, so just ur normal clothes
Maddy: alr yea, let's go out tmrw. But I kind've wanna finish what we started this morning
Bryce:we'll figure that out

We would've texted longer if my thoughts weren't broken by the whining of Jess.
"I feel sick." She cries, "can you take me home." She says
Alana dropped us off and Jess went to her room and didn't come out the rest of the evening.
The other kids had fell asleep before I got home so I decided to go downstairs and find Bryce.

Bryce pov:
Maddy came downstairs and I grabbed her hand, pulled her into my room, and we started kissing and she giggled when she could feel my hard on her thigh
I started kissing her on the neck and she moaned softly.
She tugged at my shirt, so I took mine and hers off.
We started going but we were interrupted when we heard a knock on my door.
"Shit!" Maddy whispered as I hid her with my covers
I quickly slipped my pants on and said, "Come in!"
It was Henry.
"Hey, what's up?"
"Just wanted to let you know you don't have to make the kids food tomorrow, their parents are coming early to take them to some event."
"Oh okay, well thanks for the heads up." I stammered
He looked down at my blanket and looked at me like I was busted
"Okay, you and Maddy have a good evening." He said grinning as he walked out my room.
Once my door shut, Maddy came from under the blanket and she was clearly embarrassed.
However she's got some insane sex drive and she immediately placed herself in a position to where I would be fucking her from behind.
"Say my name!" I said inserting myself in her
"Bryce!" She moaned
"Go deeper!" She said
"Beg for it." I teased
"Please daddy, go deeper... fuck" she moaned out of breath
After we finished up, she said she was hungry so I went into the kitchen to make us some Fried catfish and salad.
She devoured it before asking, "Where's are date tomorrow?"
"It's a surprise."
"I fucking hate surprises."
"Well I guess you gotta learn to like them."
"Your such a dick." She said rolling her eyes with a smirk
"Well I was thinking we could go for a round 2, but since you wanna insult me, forget it." I said playing with her hair
"Really?" She smiled mischievously before I pulled her in for a kiss and we went to fuck some more.
After we finished, we took a shower and she was starting to doze off a little.
I kissed her forehead and whispered, "I really like you, Maddy."
"I like you too. Despite you being a dick." She said giggling and kissing my neck lightly before fully falling to sleep on my chest.

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