Chapter 5: Sunday

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Bryce POV:
When I met Maddy I could tell she was messy and probably a bitch.
But actually talking to her seemed like maybe she was kind've cool.
Granted I could not fuck with someone so selfish.
But I could use a friend and she seemed alright.
She seems to have some weird shit going on with her ex or something cause last night I heard her crying in her sleep after we hung out.
"Nate, stop it...stop...please stop it..." it sounded like whoever the Nate guy is, he did some real horrible shit.
Anyways this morning I woke up and I saw Maddy come down the stairs.
I won't even lie, she is fine as fuck.
"Good morning" she smiled while trying to clean the place for the spoiled brats coming.
She was wearing a slogan crop top with the with a jean skirt. He hair was in a ponytail and she was wearing golden hoops. They were big and you know the saying.
"Good morning." I said being chill though I wanted to bone bad.
I knew she wasn't my kind've girl but again, she is fine.
"You want something to eat? I can make some eggs or something." I said walking to the kitchen.
"Nah, I'm good. I got to get ready for the kids. They're can really be fucking annoying and their damn parents do nothing at all." She complained trying to hide the alcoholic drink from last night.
"Take your shit." Maddy said handing me the weed from last night.
"Thanks." I said walking away.
Again I knew she was probably a bitch.
"You know, they won't be back until late tonight. Let's go out and check the city."
"I don't know I really got hurry up and finish." She says hesitated
"Come on." I say, not wanting to go alone
"You asking me on a date?" She grinned sarcastically
"Yeah right." I said rolling my eyes
I grabbed her purse and bag then handed it to her.
She courtesies and walks out.
"Why are we going out?" She asked still unsure what the point was.
"To live a little." I say while getting grabbing a blunt and handing it to her.
"I ain't smoking your stuff. You might've laced it." She grins handing it back.
"Yeah cause I just wanna kill your ass. It's nothing but pure." I say annoyed
"Ok then you smoke first." She folds her arms.
I do just that and then hand her the blunt.
"Let's go already." She says as she starts smoking the weed.

1 hour later

"Here we are. The Sunday food and art festival is my favorite." I say opening the door for Maddy.
"Really? Just curious but what the fuck do art and food have to do with each other?" She asks confused.
"Well, they both invoke a feeling." I say looking for the gourmet donuts.
"Well I can't eat any of this so your just fucking with me." She says upset looking at all the food choices.
"You'll be fine. Try this." I say handing her a plate of pork chops and rice.
She hesitates before biting into the pork chop and eating up the whole plate.
"Somebody was hungry." I laugh walking towards the art
"Shut up. I lived in a white ass town and my mom doesn't cook like that, food wasn't this good." She said finding a trash can near.
"Look at this painting." She says excited.
"Yeah that's beautiful." I say looking at the painting.
"It says the painting is called "amor". If only love actually existed." She seemingly half joked before she drifted for a moment.
I nudge her and we continue walking.
"So you don't believe in love?" I say but she only looks at me sadly before continuing to walk.
I wonder what happened but I'm starting to have a feeling it was something really fucked.
"I don't believe in love for me." She responds late.
"Why?" I mean your a bitch but someone would love to be around you I'm sure." I laugh but she just doesn't respond.
"Sorry." I say feeling like i offended her.
"No you didn't really say anything my friends don't." Maddy says laughing.
We look at some more paintings before heading back to the car about 30 mins later knowing we had to be back soon.
"That was fun right?" I ask getting in the car
"Yeah it was cool." She says pushing a smile away
"Hey I got something I wanna ask you." I say hesitant
"Ok." She says eyeing me curious
"who were you dreaming about last night? You sounded like you were-" I ask before being stopped mid sentence. I figured I could at least ask now
"Nothing. It was just a bad dream" she interrupts.
I could tell she was lying but clearly she wasn't trusting me like that.
"Are you sure, you were-" I try to speak again but I'm interrupted
"Can you just drive please. I said it was nothing so shut the fuck up." She says closing her door and opening her phone.
"Alright." I say.
We don't talk the rest of the day.
She avoided talking to me and I just left her alone.

Maddy's pov
I must've been loud last night if Bryce was asking me about my dream.
Still I don't wanna talk about Nate if I can help it.
I do feel bad for icing Bryce out all day after we spent yesterday hanging out. And this morning.
"Hey." I say walking into the kitchen at about 12:30 am. We hadn't talked in for near 12 hours.
"Wait you actually talking to me? I don't know if I should respond or shut the fuck up." He replies dry.
"Whatever I'm going back to my room and we can act like we didn't fuck with each at all this weekend." I say pissed grabbing a bottle and getting ready to go up the stairs.
"Good. Cause I didn't like your stupid ass anyway." Bryce responds not even looking me in the face. He just stares at the floor.
"I didn't like you either bitch." I reply annoyed. I knew I didn't mean it and he probably didn't either but I was sleepy and upset at the thought of Nate
I start to walk up the stairs when he says, "look i'm sorry, Maddy."
"Goodnight." I say making it up the stairs and waving at him playfully flirty with a grin.
He smiles and walks away, likely to his room.

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