Chapter 3: what's real

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Maddy's pov:
So I was woke by my alarm, as I was told to have the kids get ready for school via text the night before.
"Wake your asses- wake up." I yelled from the hall, remembering i can't really talk like I usually do.
After 5 minutes each of the kids were out their rooms getting ready to catch the bus.
"Good morning. Breakfast is already ready so head downstairs." I said, doing my best to be formal and appropriate.
"I'm not going today." Jess said, still undressed.
"Why the fuck aren't you in your clothes?" I asked annoyed, these kids were so much more difficult than Theo. He was an Angel and he always listened.
"Because like I just said, I'm not going to school." She said rolling her eyes.
"Well, hate to break it to you but it's only your first week of high school and it only gets worse. Gotta suck it up." I said, annoyed but trying to be understanding.
"Thanks, that helped a lot. Now I'm going back to bed." She said about to close the door on me but I quickly caught it.
"Get your fucking clothes on. I don't have time for this." I said, very frustrated cause the bus would be here in 15 mins and she wasn't even dressed.
"No, leave me the fuck alone!" She shouted at me about to close her door but I made my way into her room before she could.
"Ok so let's see what you got." I said quickly going through her closet as inaudily shouted at me.
"Is this all you have?" I asked, confused at the lack of style in her closet. She reminded me of Kat before her Junior year.
"What, is my wardrobe not slutty enough for your something?" She said rudely towards me.
"Trust me, if you think your hurting my feelings your not. People have said and did worse so nothing you say is gonna hurt me or stop me from getting your ass to school." I said unfazed
"I don't wanna be around those people and you see my clothes, nobody likes me for real." She said whining.
"High school is tough. Trust, I know. But you can change that how you carry yourself. Starting with borrowing some of my clothes cause you need to bad."
I walk to to my room and pull out a green matching set that I feel like would look better on her than me.

"I walk to to my room and pull out a green matching set that I feel like would look better on her than me

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"I'll take you shopping after school." I said holding the outfit up to her to make sure the color went with her tone. "Perfect!" I said happy.
"I don't know, it might not look good on me." She said, rolling her eyes uncomfortably.
"It'll look great. I'll do your makeup when your done. Hurry up." I said rushing her as the bus would be here in 13 minutes.
Once she was dressed I gave her a nice makeover. I curled her hair, so it had some life to it.
Then I gave her sharp yet appropriate wings. I gave her some clunky black open-toe mini heels.
Then I gave her some gold hoops.
"You look cute. Now grab your bag and go. The bus is about to pull up."
"Umm, thanks Maddy." She said hiding a smile.
"Go on." I said smiling, feeling proud to have made someone feel a little better about themselves.
I walked the kids outside so they could meet the bus and they all got on.

1 hour later
"Maddy, could you come here for a minute." Yelled a familiar voice.
I walked to the kitchen to find Bryce. Of course.
"You didn't clean the kids mess up." He said annoyed
"Sorry I was cleaning their rooms." I said more annoyed as I picked up their dishes.
"Well that's not required of you. But cleaning up their food is." He said with an attitude.
"Ok, I got it. Now shut the fuck up." I said nicely
I finished up but not before he felt the need to make comments related to me.
"You know what your issue is?" He asked rudely
"No and I really don't fucking care." I said annoyed
"You don't care about nothing for real.
You just want this job for the perks but that's it. Leave all the real work to the workers. Your a rude bitch who's peak is in high school and mooches off other people after." He says, not knowing anything.
"You don't even know me. So making assumptions, that aren't even true, is extremely fucking rude." I said trying not to hurt his annoying ass.
"Let me take a whack. You were a popular cheerleader." He said, guessing correctly.
"Yeah, okay-" I said but he cut me off.
"You had a lot of friends and everyone wanted to fuck you. Correct?" He quizzed himself, correctly again.
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean-" I said upset before he cut me off again.
"Dated the popular football player?" He guessed correctly again.
This one I didn't even answer cause all I could do was remember Nate and his bullshit. I looked down at the dishes so I couldn't talk to him anymore.
"And then you find out he's actually a fucking liar who found a girl better. Found someone who actually wanted him for more than his status, someone who-" he said smugly before I dropped the plate and cut him off, breaking some glass.
"Fuck." I said, holding back tears at the thought of Cassie and Nate.
"Guess I struck a cord." He said rolling his eyes.
"Leave me the fuck alone. you don't really know the shit I've dealt with." I said trying not to yell, trying to hold back tears, "acting like I'm some mean girl movie villain or some shit" I said trying to walk away.
"I'm gonna be straight. You will always be the mean bitch who eventually ends up being washed up and useless. The only thing to look forward to is marrying some guy with money and going to your high school reunion and seeing how everyone ended up better including your ex and his new-" he tried to finish his words but i slap the shit out of him.
"Fuck you." I say as I walk away, not wanting him to see me cry.
I go up to my room and pull myself together cause I'm not gonna waste tears on Cassie or Nate.

6 hours

I clean the bathroom, make plans to go shopping with Jess and set the table for homework.
Not long after finishing, the find their way into the house.
"We're home!" Jess yells
"Ok, your mom told me you guys have to do one hour of homework so I set up the table for you to do it." I said walking them over to a table filled with crayons, pencils, safety scissors, notebooks and music to help them study.
I wasn't the best in school, but Lexi Howard always knew how to stimulate my mind when I had to study.
"I don't wanna do my homework!" Erica yelled with her brother whining as well.
"Well you guys gotta suck it up. You have to." I said sternly, taking their bags.
I miss working for Samantha cause the kid was so much easier. These kids are so whiny.
"No your not my mom!!" The girl screamed at the top of her lungs
I wanted to go off but these are kids and I have to handle kindly.
"Sit! Now." I said fair but stern.
Jordan and Jess sat down but Erica was fighting me. Until I gave her a cookie.
"Are we still going shopping?" Jess asked, not caring either way too much.
"Of course." I said with a smile.

4 hours later

So we came back from shopping and Jess loved the clothes I picked out. The kids ate dinner and went straight to bed.
I would've went to bed but I couldn't.
That argument earlier fucked with my head a bit.
I went to the kitchen for a drink, hoping he wouldn't be there. Of course, he was still there cleaning the kitchen and looking to see what he would cook tomorrow.
"Hi." Bryce said hesitantly
"Don't start with me bitch." I said warning him that I would clap back.
"You didn't have to slap me earlier." He said with an attitude.
"I know. I chose to slap your stupid ass." I replied with a glare.
"Look I don't like you very much and you don't like me." He said speaking facts for once.
"Yeah, but I only don't like you cause you hate me for no damn reason." I laughed sarcastically as I was about to just not get anything.
"Well I'm sorry but you have clearly had every thing in life handed to your ass and your a complete bitch so I'm sorry it upsets me that you walk around here thinking your really doing shit-" he ranted
"You want me to slap your stupid ass again?" I said pissed
"Give me one good time where you had to deal with some real shit. I have a child I gotta work this damn job for. Work for racist ass kids who don't even fucking respect me. But please tell me what have you dealt with. I'll fucking wait." He said challenging me.
I felt for him but he didn't know me.
"Sorry that shit happened but I don't have to prove shit to you. I know what I've been through-" I said but he cut me off
"What losing homecoming? Being cheated on? Who cares." He said, not listening to me.
I wanted to mention Nate and Cassie but that wasn't something I wanted to share with a stranger who wouldn't take my pain seriously anyway.
"Whatever. Fuck this, I'm going to bed." I said walking away.
I'm close to quitting if he's gonna keep attacking and undermining me.

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