Chapter 6: slip up

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I literally don't understand if he can sense my happiness but once again I had that stupid dream that wasn't completely a dream about Nate's annoying ass. I guess I was loud again cause the butler came in.
"are you okay? I can hear you from downstairs?" He says turning on the light
"I'm fine. Sorry." I lie wiping a tear.
"How many nights are you gonna say that?" He says.
"What do you mean?" I say confused.
"I've heard you before but it seems like it gets worse." He says
"Seriously, I'm fine. It was dream." I lie again.
"Okay." He says not believing me but not trying to over stay his welcome in room.
He walks out and i stay up the rest of the night.
The kids have an off day and decide to go visit their parents at work.
So I stay out cleaning up.
"Perez, we need to talk." A familiar ass voice yells
"About?" I reply annoyed as always
"What's going on with you." Bryce says
"I don't know how many times I've had to tell you I'm good." I say
"Well lying ain't working no more." He says sitting me down.
"I'm not lying."
"You think we don't all hears you screaming and crying in the middle of the night?" He says
"It's a dream-
"That keeps happening." He says looking me in the eye.
"I'm not having this conversation." I say getting up from the table.
"Why not?" He challenges
"Drop it." I say walking the other direction.
"No. Leave me alone damn." I roll my eyes and push him out the way.
"Hey! You wanna get something to eat cause-
"Not with you"
I start to walk out before he grabs my arms and caresses it.
I'm soaking.
"Can i? " he says making sure I was okay with him doing it.
"Please" I say as he he goes in for a kiss and I enjoy every second of it.
We may have went further if the kids hadn't entered.
"Fuck. You really shouldn't have did that." I say upset. Not cause he kissed me.
Cause now I know I'm gonna want him so much more. And I mean it.
He grins and I text my friends about it upstairs.

Kat: see I knew you were in love

Maddy: I'm not in love

Bb: did he slide any tongue or was it dry?

Maddy: tongue was there and it wasn't dry.

Kat: so, you gonna fuck him?

Maddy: I'm gonna block ur ass. Stop it

Kat: 💦💦


Maddy: your both annoying

After texting my girls, I avoided him for the rest of the day.
He kept trying to talk to me but I wasn't interested.
Around 2:00 am when I couldn't sleep, I decided to go downstairs in the kitchen.
"So you still avoiding me?" He laughs
"Maybe. Depends are you gonna try and fuck me next?" I say playfully upset.
"Did you kiss me just so I would talk about Nate and Cassie cause if so, it's not working."
"No but I would like to know." He says
"Never happening." I say
"Whatever. Anyways I don't really know why I did all that but sorry."  He says
"Don't be." I say.
I lean in ready to kiss him but Henry walks in and we quickly pull.
"You two are still up?" He asks knowing what he saw
"Just talking." I say getting up.
"Alright." He replies "don't let me interrupt you." He says fist pumping Bryce. I roll my eyes before Bryce walk over to me and wraps around my waist.
Everything in me wants to go in for a lot but i know I'm not ready.
I peck him on the lips and go upstairs, which upsets him but he acts like he's fine.

Bryce pov:
I don't know why she doesn't wanna talk about Nate or whatever his name I'm just, concerned. As a coworker, maybe even a friend.
But after she completely deflated me, she didn't talk to me at all. For 3 days, for some reason this bugged me a lot. I think I like her.
Wait fuck how is that even possible?
Honestly she's not what I thought she was. At least from the conversations we've had, she seems kind've nice. In her own way.
Anyways, when the kids were watching tv she walked into the kitchen and I decided we needed to talk.
"Hey stranger." I say
"Hey." She says annoyed and dry.
"Why are you avoiding me?" I ask cause honestly I don't know.
"Because I am." she says grabbing a bowl of snacks for the kids ready to walk out, but I nicely grab her arm to stop her.
"Let me out." She says annoyed
"Is it cause we?" I say as Jess walks in, stopping me from finishing.
"Am I interrupting?" She says glaring.
"No not at all." Maddy replies walking to the door.
"You like her?" Jess says trying to insight a riot.
"What?" Maddy shoots a look at her
"You like him?" Jess continues
"Jess shut the fuck up." Maddy yells quietly.
I leave the room missing any of Maddy's yelling.

Maddy's pov:
"Jess what the fuck why would you say that!?" Yelling calm
"Because i can tell you like." She replied with an evil grin
"What are you-? Me and Bryce are friends, like barely, I don't like him." I say trying to convince her and convince myself a little.
"Whatever, honestly I don't care but like you know you want to fuck him." She replies leaving.
I wanted to slap her.
When the kids were at school I decided to hit the city. And when I went into the best restaurant in town, a girl who looked my age if not a little older came in without friends anywhere. I decided to walk over to her table cause I need a female friend out here.
"Hi." I said to her being nice.
"Umm hi. Who are you?" She ask a little confused but trying to be kind.
"I'm Maddy. Look I'm not sitting with anyone and your not either. you wanna eat lunch together? i could use a friend out here and i'm getting a vibe with you." i say giggling.
"Yeah sure. and by the way my name is Alana." she says with a smile.
"So, um how old are you?" I ask sitting down.
"I'm 18. I go to the college a few blocks from here." the girl says.
"I'm 18 but I don't go to college. Not cause I'm not smart, I just don't like school." I say laughing."You know the city?" I ask
"I do. Been here since forever."
We talk for about an hour before getting numbers.
It's nice to have a friend out here. I really need someone who's not under the age of 16. Or doesn't wanna tongue me down.

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