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Taylor's POV

It was now 2 pm and the game started at 4. I look t the bracelet from Travis. I laugh as it's a bracelet with his number on it. I decided to text him.

Best of luck out there! 😊 ~ Taylor

Nothing to crazy, and nothing to serious.

Well you found me alright, thank you 😘 ~Big TK

Big TK, wow he's soooo funny, and he was definitely flirting. I removed the bracelet and hopped into the shower.


I got out and dried myself off leaving my hair slightly wee as I was going to blow dry it after I changed. Felt like the biggest trader cause I'm a Philly girl, I'm for the eagles, but I changed into a black pair of shorts and a white tank top that was slightly cropped, with an additional chiefs jacket to add a touch. I went back into the bathroom and did my make up. It was light with winged eyeliner. I decided I was going to curl my hair, so I blow dryer the rest of it and got to curling which took me a little longer.

I grabbed my purse and phone and headed out to where there was a taxi waiting for me.

"Hello Miss Swift, where to this fine evening?" The driver asked.

"To the Arrowhead Stadium please," I said and he nodded and began driving.

I arrived at the stadium, fan were spectating, but I saw Kelces mom in the distance, I walked over to her and bent down hugging her.

"Hi honey! It's so good to meet you," Travis mom said.

"Oh Mrs. Kelce, so good to meet you, and thank you for meeting me out here," I said to her.

"It's no problem and please Taylor hon, call me Donna," she said with a big smile and we both walked in together.

I placed my stuff next to where Donna was sitting and everyone was waving at me.

"Hey guys im Taylor," I introduced.

"Hi Taylor!" Everyone says and we sat down. I got to know his friends a little bit and also had small conversations with Donna.

The game has started. I see all the players such as Gray and Mahomes run out and then I spotted #87, I stood up and cheered for him. I see him stop and do the signature archer pose that I do. I smile. Do I understand football? No. Do I try? Yes.

The game was going good, Donna was explaining to me what was going on most of the time.

I was sitting there when all of a sudden Mahomes throws the ball to Travis and a he scored a touchdown in the end zone.

I stood up so fast and cheered.

"LETS FUCKING GOOOOO!" I yell. Was it that I was happily enjoying an outing or was there's some strings?

I cheered with his mom and his friends and I'm all just having a great time. Also made it on the jumbo screen a few time, now that was fun.

We continued to watch the game and it was definitely a great experience. Can I just say I love his mom? She's so sweet, she'd definitely get along so well with my mom. They're so much alike!


Well howdy dee! Welcome back to chapter 3! They'll definitely get longer as time goes on😭

~remember to vote!


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