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Travis's POV

I ran into the room faster than anything.

"A HEAT STROKE? Taylor WHAT?" I whispered yelled.

"She ran away Travis, I, I, it's all my fault," Taylor cried pushing herself away from me.

"Tay, it's not your fault, she's almost 13 years old, she's rebeling, but clearly a bit too much, who found her? I want to reward them,"I said

"You're going to hate me for telling you this..." Taylor sighed.

"What Tay? Who?" I asked.

"My ex fiancé... Joe," she said and I stood their confused.

"The one who cheated on you?" I asked. She nodded.

"Oh Taylor I don't hate you, we're not going to reward him that's for one, all I care about is that she's safe," I said looking at Hannah.

"Do you think we've been paying enough attention to her? I feel like since I went back to work she's been missing us a bit to much?" Taylor asked.

"What have you noticed?" I asked.

"She's been in her room a lot more, she doesn't want to snuggle on the couch with me anymore, she's just not close to us," Taylor explained.

"Taylor she's almost a teenager but I see where your coming from. She will always be close, i just think, yeah, she is feeling a little disconnected from us," I said and Taylor hugged me.

"I just want my baby back," Taylor cried.

"Go lay with her, she'll be alright," I said.

Taylor's POV

I laid down next to Hannah, my eyes welled with tears. My baby.

"Mommy?" I heard. I look down and see Hannah with her head on my shoulder.

"Oh Hannah," I cried, Travis came over to us.

"Hannah, if you ever feel like we're not paying enough attention to you, you tell us hon, we won't be mad, you are the most important girl in our life," I said.

The doctor walked in.


He explained the care instructions. Hannah was in Travis arms but she wanted me so I had her.

~ 1 Week Later~

Hannah was getting back to herself. She was in her room. Travis was out and about. I went up to her room and knocked.

"Come in" she said.

"Hey princess," I said.

"Hey mom," she said.

"Not to jump the bring but I wanted to talk, just get a whole gist and what I can do to help you," I said.

"Well," she began.

Hannah's POV

"Ever since you guys got back to work I just feel like I wasn't as important, like I felt pulled away. I didn't feel like I had a relationship with Paxton anymore, I feel like work became so much that I couldn't be around anymore. I missed having a bond where I could just talk. I didn't want to be left like my dad did to me. I wanted you Taylor, I wanted you, like yes just cause Travis and I are closer, I felt like that was bringing taken from you, I needed my mom, I need you," I said and Taylor hugged me.

"Oh babe I'm so sorry you felt like you were being replaced by my work. Let me tell you I missed it, I missed our cuddles, I missed our days together when your dad was at practice, I know you're going to be 13 soon but you will always be my baby," Taylor said.

"I just missed you mom," I cried.

"I missed you more, and you can talk to me no matter how busy I am," Taylor said.

"Dinner will men ready at any moment, come down when your ready," I said.

The Boy On The Football Team {Tayvis AU}Where stories live. Discover now