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Travis's POV

I Changed my lock screen to the picture of Hannah and Taylor. It's been 2 weeks since we started dating and everything is going so fast.

I was sitting on the couch with Taylor on one side and Hannah on the other.

"I know this may be a big question but do you think life needs to be put on hold for a bit?" I asked Taylor.

"I think so, I know everything hit so fast, we haven't even made us officially," Taylor said. She was right, we were just two people dating.

"Well then my girl, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked Taylor.

"Well if I'm your girlfriend then your my boyfriend?" Taylor says and smiled.

"Always and forever," I said and we both turn and look at Hannah who was fast asleep.

"And our girl," we both said smiling down on Hannah. We've only had this girl in our lives 4 hours and we're already obsessed with her.

"You should call tree before it's to late," I suggested.

"Hmm maybe a post will ease the phone call in tired," Taylor laughs.

"I'll do the same," I said.

@Killatrav; Taking a little break from the game, to keep my eyes on the real prize, my family see you guys in a few Xo T Rav

Then I saw Taylor's post

@TaylorSwift; this may come as a shock or some may say this will make "sparks fly" but I'm taking a break to work on my personal life, so that means, we will still have release of the new music and upcoming but I will be moving tour to next year at the same time. I love you all so much Xo Tay

It was like peace was entering our life, I don't care what life brings us but aslong as it's with these two I'm good.

Taylor moved from my side to next to Hannah, she held Hannah in her lap.

Disappointed I was.

"Aww someone's mad for taking his daddy's girl," Taylor said.

Wow. Dad. Such a weird feeling. Went from having a girlfriend to a daughter aswell in 2 weeks time. 

I snap a picture of Taylor and Hannah. My worlds I'm so glad I'm putting things on hold for now.

I lean into Taylor holding her and Hannah close and fell asleep.


I woke up to screams. Hannah was backing away from Taylor and into my arms.

"Heyyy HG it's alright, you're okay, shhh, I got you," I said rocking her back and fourth trying to calm her down. Poor thing was terrified of Taylor, I don't know why.

"I want my dad!" She cried. I thought her dad was bad?

"It's alright kiddo, we got you now," I said picking her up from the couch and walking her around.

I see Taylor from the other side of the living room wall picking at her lips with tears in her eyes.

"Taylor," I said.

"Nope, I'm alright, just give me a minute," she said to me.

It was 6 am and her phone went off. Ugh it's probably Tree.

Taylor's POV

"Hello?" I asked.

"Taylor Allison. Putting your life on hold? What are you and Travis doing?! Are you crazy?!" Tree slightly yells into the phone.

"Tree 1. Be quiet and 2. Let me go into another room," I said and you can here Tree on the other end sigh a "what"

"So... the blue bird performance last night," i began.

"Yes, it was very successful, you and Travis had a good time," Tree said.

"Yes but, somehow there was a little girl who was under the age of thirteen, she was 12, and she was there alone, she sat with Travis all night, she would not let go of him. Sooo... we brought her back to the house... and she's currently awake with a nightmare," I said.

"And it seems here you and Travis signed a EFG Contract for her? So she's living with you now?" Tree questioned.

"Uhm yeah... I just couldn't leave her! She's afraid of me, but she's so attached to Travis! And if I'm doing this relationship with Travis, I'm doing what he does too," I explained to Tree.

"But Taylor, your tour? Your music? How long??" Tree asked.

"Till next year for tour, I need to be home, I'll work from home with my music and Travis is not gonna be in the NFL Super Bowl this year," I explained to her.

"Ugh Taylor this is gonna be a big change for you, and Travis, are you sure you're ready for it," "Tree asked.

"I'm ready as I'll ever be," I said.

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