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Taylor's POV

"Okay, Hannah, do you want to try sleeping in your room tonight? We can let Benji sleep with you?" I asked.

"I can try," She says with a shrug.

"And if you don't feel comfortable you come into your mom and Is room, okay?,"Travis said and Hannah nodded.

We continued eating dinner and then we got ready for bed.

We were in Hannah's room and I was sitting on the bed.

"Tay, can you sing to me?" Hannah asked.

"Sure babe, which ever song you want," I said as Travis gave me to guitar.

I sang Never Grow Up and it made Travis emotional while Hannah fell asleep. We kissed her forehead and shut of the light. We kissed as the door shut and went into Travis room and laid on the bed, Travis was spooned behind me I was just so warm against his body, maybe will get through this night.

••• The Next Day

We made it through the night, but I don't think Hannah did. We went to her room.

"Hannah Grace have you been crying?" I asked. Her face was red and puffy.

"Oh Hannah," Travis said and we both hugged her.

"I didn't want to bother you," she cried.

"Baby what did we tell you? You will never be a bother to your father and I, you can ALWAY come to me or your father and sleep in are bed if you have any kind of nightmares okay?" I reassured her and she nodded crying in both of our arms.


We left Missouri and the drive felt so long. Hannah was not having it cause her leg was bothering her. She was fighting sleep. It was rough but eventually we made it home after all those hours.

~Two Months Later~

It's now October, Travis and I have been together for 3 months now. Hannah's been with us 2 months. She got out of the boot just in time for Halloween. We decided we were going to do a family costume this year, we were doing The Addams Family, Travis was Gomez, I was Mortica and Hannah was going to be Wednesday day. We were going to a Halloween party over over Eds House which whom he is roommates with Harry when they moved from London.

Hannah has been doing decently well, she still has nightmares and very attached to us. She started going to online school and has gotten back into Gymnastics and will be doing soccer in the spring. She still doesn't call me or Travis mom or dad but she makes the joke. She also still hasn't been able to get her things from her house, we're still waiting for it to be cleared.

She has a Halloween costume practice at Gymnastics today.

"Taylor! Where's my grips?" She called.

"They're in the mud room, I'll put them on the table," I called back and I put together her snacks.

I heard running down the stairs.

"When does my ole father come home?" She asks.

"He should be home when you get home from practice, he started driving early this morning," I said. Travis has been going to practices nearby and Hannah misses him so much.

"Okay, promise?" She asked.

"Promise," I said as we headed out to the car. She doesn't like when I leave her at practices so I normally stay and watch.

10 minutes away ~ Trav

I smile at the text, he's been gone for a week.

The Boy On The Football Team {Tayvis AU}Where stories live. Discover now