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Hannah's POV

I hate the winter. Since running away a lot, my system has been so weak. I just hope I don't end up in the hospital again with pneumonia. I didn't really feel good today, it was a cold one.

"Hannah Grace it's almost time to go are you ready?" Taylor called.

"Yes mom I'm coming down," I called back. I think I'm getting more used to calling Taylor mom, I've always been more called to calling Travis dad.

"Hey sweetheart," Taylor said and hugged me.

"Hey, where Dad and Paxton?" I asked.

"In the car, so let's go meet with them," Taylor said wrapping her arms around me. Things were definitely doing better but I still felt tense around her, like? I don't know what it is. Same with Paxton, like I know he's my brother and all but I know absolutely nothing about him.

I walked out to the car with Taylor.

"Hey buddy!" Paxton says. I shut out a bit when he says that. Really only Travis calls me that.

"Hey," I said. I was a little upset but I actually wanted Taylor, I don't like crying infront of Travis or Paxton.

"I want Mom to sit with me," I pouted.

"Honey I'm driving," She said.

"But I wanna snuggle with you," I said.

"Fine, I'll call the driver," I said and I smiled.

Taylor's POV

Hannah's so iffy with me sometimes but then she wants me all to herself. I don't get it. Until the moment she sat down with me, I knew. Her eyes were glassy, but she wasn't warm.

"Oh baby," I said and I wrapped her in my jacket.

"What's wrong?" Paxton asked.

"She's not feeling well, let's just turn up the music and drive, that'll calm her down." I said.

My song "The Best Day" came on and I sang it softly in her ear. I see Travis recording in the corner of my eye. Man I can't wait to marry him.

She was absolutely knocked out at we approached Rhode Island, we would be staying in the house I own there because is a hour drive outside of Boston.

We made it to my house and I grab the keys to enter.

Travis grabbed bags, Paxton grabbed the animals and I carried Hannah inside.

"Welcome home," I said to her as we walked in.

"Get settled in boys, im going to hang out a bit with Han, she's really not feeling well," I said and. The game was in 2 days and then we'd be heading back to Nashville soon after.

I laid on the couch with Hannah, she slept the whole drive, my poor little girl. I felt her forehead, she was burning up.

"Oh lord god," I said and Travis came running in.

"What what's the matter?" Travis pleaded.

"She's really warm, hey Pax can you grab me the Motrin in the cabinet," I said and he nodded.

"Do you want me to take her?" Travis asked.

"It's alright, she needs her mom right now, but you can take her later," I said and Travis kissed my forehead.

"Me and Pax are gonna go watch TV in the game room, I'll order dinner in a bit?" Travis suggested.

"I'm not hungry, but if you boys are go ahead," I said and Travis looked at me.

"Babe you need to eat something," he said.

"I know but I don't want to get up from here, I think Hannah's been a little more closed off lately, I just want time with her," I said.

"And you can get that time Tay, but you can't not eat," Travis said.

"I'll order food and bring it to you," Travis added.

"Thanks, love you babe," I said.

"I love you more," he said.

I turned on the TV while Hannah slept and Benjamin was right by her side the whole time.

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