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Travis's POV

Hannah was so tired the poor thing. I see Taylor keep looking back at us. She was so in love.

We arrived at the ER and got out and walked in, we sat at one of the triage windows.

"Who do we have here?" The triage nurse asked.

"This is Hannah Grace St Ester, she's 12, we were at the park earlier with our dogs and she was chasing them around when she fell, she hasn't really been able to walk on it, and it's fairly swollen," Taylor explained.

"Date of birth please," He said.

"September 13th, 2011," I said.

"And you most be mom and dad?" He asked.

"Foster yes," Taylor mentioned.

"Names?" He asked and we both looked at each other.

"Well name people know who we are right off the bat," I joked to Taylor.

"Taylor Allison Swift and Travis Micheal Kelce," Taylor said.

"Alright have a seat in the waiting room and will call you," He said and I carried Hannah.

"Can I take her?" Taylor asked. I nodded laying Hannah in her lap.

Taylor rocked her as she fell asleep.


Taylor's POV

It was such a long wait to just get in there. Hannah was sound asleep in my arms. I leaned into Travis and looked up at him.

"Your doing so well Taylor," Travis said.

"And so are you," I said as he kissed me.

"She's so calm, and it's so peaceful," I said.

"She had a good and frustrating day," Travis said.

"Hannah Ester?" They called.

"Finally," we both laughed and Travis took Hannah and we followed the nurse into a room.

"Hannah, darling," I said waking her up.

"Hi Hannah, I'm doctor Allan, can I look at your ankle?" He asked. Hannah froze.

"It's alright Hannah, he's gonna help you," I said and Hannah nodded.

The poor thing you could see the pain in her face as he twisted and turned her ankle.

"It's alright HG," Travis said to Hannah. Hannah leaned into me for comfort.

"Okay we have to take X-rays now, will be right back," Dr. Allan said.

"Is there anyway I can go with her?" I asked.

"Yes, that's fine," He said and I went in with Hannah.

She was terrified. She didn't know how to feel. She hid in my arms.

"It's alright Hannah, your alright," I said.

"Alright Hannah, it's all over," the technician said.

I picked up Hannah and I carried her back to the room.

"Travis!" She said happily. Travis took her from me and hugged her.

"Hey babygirl!" He said.

"Okay we will have the results in a few, you can all hang out in here," The doctor said and left the room.

Travis's POV

Seeing Hannah is always my favorite moment especially when she with Taylor, I'm so obsessed it's crazy.

"Did you miss me?" I asked Hannah. She nods.

"We were gone for 5 minutes?" Taylor questioned.

"How could you not miss this face Taylor?" I said.

"Who yours or Hannah's because both are very much missable," Taylor says hugging us both.

"Tay can I watch your phone? Pleaseeee," Hannah begged.

"You gotta lay down with me though," Taylor says.

"Okay!" She said and I brought her to Taylor and they laid down together watching old videos of Taylor.


Time went by and we're just sitting on our phones when the doctor walked in.

"We have Hannah's results, and it's not looking good, it's a ankle fracture, it's a trimalleolar fracture, she's going to need surgery," He said and Taylor and I looked at each and back at Hannah. She looked like she was going to start screaming. I grabbed Hannah and held her with Taylor.

"shhh it's alright," I said to Hannah. Taylor rubbed her thigh.

"We're going to get her admitted and she'll have a schedule surgery in the morning," The doctor said.

"Oh babe, I'm so sorry," Taylor said.

"Your gonna have the coolest cast though," I said trying to lighten the mood.

The Boy On The Football Team {Tayvis AU}Where stories live. Discover now