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Taylor's POV

"Wow, I cannot believe that we're engaged, seems to me I was just trying to dodge you," I said laughing in Travis arms.

"Well you really intercepted your way into my heart," Travis said.

"You're so cheesy," I said.

We turned on a movie and I snuggled into him on the couch, the warmth of his body made me feel at home and at peace. I love this man so much.

"Happy Birthday my beautiful fiancé," Travis said kissing my forehead.

"I love you so much, and I missed you," I said kissing him back.

"I missed you more," he said. 

••• Christmas Eve

Tonight we were hosting Christmas Eve, we were having my family and Travis family over plus my friends and Paxton. It's been a love 2 weeks but we went to the courthouse day while Hannah was at practice and we officially adopted Hannah! We wanted to keep it a surprise from everyone and tell her tonight.

We were setting up and people would be here in a few hours.

"Tay! Can I go with Travis to the store?" She asked me.

"Hannah you know you don't have to ask me to go places with your father," I told her.

"I know, I just wanted to check with you first," she said.

"You're so silly," I said fluffing the hair on her head as she ran to go grab her shoes.

"Hi hon," I said as Travis entered the kitchen.

"Hey beautiful," he said wrapping me in his arms.

"I'm gonna run to the store, I'm taking Hannah with me, I'll be back in an hour?" Travis said.

"Yeah that's fine, I'm gonna finish cooking, people will be here in 2 hours," I said.

"Alright, I love you, Merry Christmas darling," he said.

"Merry Christmas to you too handsome," I said kissing him releasing my self from his arms.


Travis was back and he helped get Hannah ready. I finished my makeup and put on a red dress that had sequin.

I walked out the bathroom and saw Hannah all dressed up.

"Taylor, you look stunning," Hannah said, I hugged her.

"Why thank you babe, you look even more adorable tho," I said.

"Wait till Travis sees you," She giggled.

"Lets go find him shall we?" I said and she nodded. We walked downstairs.

Travis's POV

I was in the kitchen setting up when a flash o Fred caught the corner of my eye, I look up and it's my beautiful fiancé.

"Woah, Taylor," I said going over to kiss her.

"Look at you though," she said.

"And look at me!" Hannah says.

"And you're the prettiest girl ever," Taylor says side hugging her. The doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," I said, I went and walked over to the door and opened it.

"Paxton," I said hugging him.

"My man's, how you doing?" He asked.

"Good good, there's some people I want you to meet," I said walking him to the kitchen.

"Taylor, my cousin Paxton, and Paxton my fiancé Taylor and our foster daughter Hannah Grace, Hannah this is" I said and Paxton pulled my shoulder.

"She looks so familiar," he said.

"She's a St Ester, that's your sister, Pax," I said, Paxton looked at me.

"My brother," Hannah said running over to hug Paxton.

"My baby sister is your daughter? Wow," Paxton said.

"She's the best thing in our lives I'll tell you," I said.

Taylor's POV

While there was a whole family reunion, I went to grab the door again.

It was my mom dad and Austin, plus Harry, Ed, Selena and Karlie. Followed up a few moments later with the Kelces.

"Welcome everyone Merry Christmas!" I said and we all gathered.


Well well we'll check in time! We're down to about the last 10 chapters! Hope you guys are enjoying the story!!

Mwah Maesie

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