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Taylor's POV

I watch Hannah's reaction while watching the movie.

"Have you ever watched this? This came out a year after you were born." I asked her. She shakes her head no while in full gaze at the TV.

I miss acting sometime but watching these movies and shows I was in makes me happy.  Hannah was in such a happy mood, she was leaning into me with her head lying on my chest and her whole body on her side.

@TaylorSwift; Watching the Lorax with my little love while her dads at practice cause she wanted to stay home with me! @KillaTrav 🤍 miss you babe!


The movie was over and I put on regular TV and low and behold to my eye was the episode of CSI I was in. 

I switch the channel quickly.

"Taylorrrrr," Hannah whines.

"There is no way I'm letting you watch CSI," I said.

"Why? That was you wasn't it?" She asked.

"Yes, that was the episode I was in, and it's not something I want you watching, not that it's bad but there's a scene in it that I don't think you would be okay watching it," i explained.

"Please Taylor!" She begged.

"Babe, you'll have nightmares," I said.

"I know it's all fake and nothing will happen, you're here aren't you?" She asked.

"Alright, but DO NOT tell your father," I said.

"Okay," she says, she's now laying down on her stomach with her arms wrapped around me and her head leaning on my chest.


The part was coming up and I had to close my eyes from preventing the moment I was about to see.

Peaking through my hands I see Hannah's tears.

"Tay? Taylor!" She cried hugging me.

"Babe I told you," I said and she hugged my crying. I press my cheek against her head kissing it.

"Never leave me," she cried.

"Hannah I'll never leave you," I said and I sat up comforting her.

"Now you know why I said we shouldn't watch it," I said. She nodded.

"I'm sorry baby," I said and hugged her tighter. 

"I never want to see You or Travis die anytime soon," Hannah says.

"I promise for long time, I'm not going anywhere neither is your father," I said.

"I love you forever and ever Taylor," Hannah says.

"And I love you to the moon and to Saturn," I said kissing her head.

She leaned back on me and I was playing with her hair. I decided to braid it while she fell asleep because I know she'd want to wear the same hairstyle as me.


The time was now 4:30 and we'd be leaving shortly to go watch Travis play.

"Alright, Hair done, and you want to wear your dad's jersey?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Alright then, let's get it on and we can go," I said.

Hannah's POV

Taylor braided my hair and I was wearing Travis' old jersey cause Taylor was wearing her jersey he got her. Tomorrow we leave back to Nashville!

"Alright downstairs, you want to walk with your crutches all night?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah!" I responded.

"And do you want me to bring the iPad incase it gets to loud?" She asked.

"Yes please," I responded.

"Okay I think we're ready, let's go," Taylor said and we walked out to the driver.

Taylor helped me in and I leaned into her arms. After watching that episode of CSI I can't get that image out of my head. I was more so attached to Taylor now and I hope Travis never finds out I watched that, he'd be so pissed.

We arrived at the stadium.

The Boy On The Football Team {Tayvis AU}Where stories live. Discover now