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Taylor's POV

We got home and Travis could not stop smiling. He was so happy.

"Hannah we got to tell you something, so go sit in the living room," I said and Hannah looks at me oddly.

We were all sitting down and Hannah sat there with a questioning look on her face.

"What's going on?" Hannah asked.

"Okay Hannah, do you remember any of your relatives?" Travis asked.

"Not really, all I remember is the nice woman Josie and her nasty husband Rick, why?" Hannah said.

"Well, Josie has 2 brother, which happens to be your father, and this guy named Halston," Travis said.

"Yes, wait how do you know this?" Hannah asked.

"So, I know this guy, really well, his name is Paxton, and we grew up together, he and I are cousin, he was adopted by Halston, and his dad was off somewhere doing God knows what and he had a little sister that he never mentioned, and to get to the point that little girl was named Hannah," Travis explained. Hannah looked at me oddly.

"Wait a minute... so are you saying this whole time we've been related? Like we're blood relatives?" She questioned. Travis nods and Hannah got up so fast and hugged him so fast.

"We're cousins Hannah, you have a brother," Travis said still in a tight hug with Hannah.

"Wow! Wait so what else happened on the phone?" She asked.

"Well we finally go the okay to get your stuff, so we can do that tomorrow once you finish your school," I said.

"Finally," Hannah laughed and hugged us both.

"So cousins aye?" Hannah said.

"Hannah I'm still your dad," Travis says.

"Yeah yeah, but poor Taylor gets left out of the family drama," Hannah laughs.

"Oh I'm enjoying this trust me," I said.

"And one more thing Hannah," I said.

"What???" She drags.

"You're dad requested to see you, he's in a sober living now, would you like to see him?" I asked. She looks at me for a moment.

"Yes please," she said.

"Alright kiddo, will take you tomorrow," Travis said.

"Now now you crazy little monster, off to bed you go, you have school in the morning," I said.

"I'm not tired though!!" Hannah defends.

"Hannah you are on an absolute sugar high you'll crash to sleep any moment, I'll meet you up in our room," I said and Hannah groaned dragging herself upstairs.

Travis comes up to me.

"Imma have a little word with Micheal," Travis said.

"Travis, do you think it's necessary?" I asked him.

"I'm going to be calm about it I promise," Travis said.

"Good, cause I know when you get protective you get angry sometimes, and we don't want to scare Hannah," I said.

"I know, I need to cool off, let's go to bed," Travis said and I nodded holding his hand walking up to our room and getting into bed while Hannah was fast asleep.

••• The Next Day~ Afternoon

Hannah finished school early and she was getting ready to meet her father.

"Hannah you almost done?" I called to her.

"Yeah I'll be right down I'm just changing," she called back.

"Nervous?" I asked Travis.

"Frustrated, nervous, mad, angry all the above," He said.

"You'll be fine babe, I promise you," I said kissing him then we heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Parentals" Hannah laughs.

"Child of ours," Travis and I say back, she grabs both of our hands and we walk out to the car.

I had a meeting to attend with Tree and the team so on this long drive that's what I did.


The meet was boring per usual talking about my net worth and reaching the billions, but I only care about being able to spoil my family and spending time with them.

Next thing you know, we arrived at the sober living. Hannah got out and held both of our hands. She sighs a big breath and it was no turning back now.

The Boy On The Football Team {Tayvis AU}Where stories live. Discover now