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Taylor's POV

We got moved to the surgical unit, I decided to call my mom and ask her to put out the dogs and feed the cats.

"Hey mom," I sighed.

"Taylor what's wrong?" My mom worried.

"Well mom, we're stuck in the ER right now and you're granddaughter over here has a ankle fracture and need surgery," I said.

"Oh Jesus, how'd that happen?" My mom asked.

"Chasing the dogs earlier and past trauma," I said.

"She was just trying to have fun today huh?" She asked.

"Yep and then she couldn't even walk on it," I said.

"Where's your lover boy? And where's my grand baby?" She asked.

"Lover boy is snoozed over there and your granddaughter is actually cuddled up to me right now, Hey Han your Nanas on the phone," I said to Hannah.

"Hi Hannah I'm Andrea, I'm Taylor's mom, I heard you weren't doing to good," "my mom said. Hannah shook her head.

"Oh you poor thing, I'll make sure to tell Benji you'll be home soon!" She said.

"Oh good mom you answered my question can you stop over and feel the animals and put the dogs out?" I laugh.

"Of course Taylor," My mom said.

"Thanks Mom, I'm going to try and get this little one to sleep," I said.

"Alright Taylor, I love you guys and I'll call you tomorrow bye !" My mom said.

"Bye mom love you too!" I said and hung up.

I continued to watch videos with Hannah in my arms.

Hannah's POV

Things are finally coming together. I finally feel safe. Safe around Taylor, and Travis and to know they care about me. I still think about my Dad one day maybe he'll be come back. But I don't want him to hurt me again.

Slowly I felt myself falling asleep in Taylor's arms. Travis was already knocked out.

Taylor's POV

Hannah began to fall asleep in my arms.

"Love you Hannah," I said to her and she didn't hear me but I'm glad she was starting to open up to me.


Travis's POV

It was bright and early 7 am and the doctors were already in her room preparing her for surgery.  Hannah was still in Taylor's arms.

"Travis I'm scared," She said.

"It's alright Hannah, you're going to be okay," I said.

"Han you're going to be out the whole time, and when you wake up you'll be back here," Taylor said.

"Can you hold me when I'm back?" Hannah asked Taylor.

"Of course honey, anything you want," Taylor said and Taylor looked at me happily.

"Okay I think Hannah's all ready now, we're going to take her back now," The surgeon said. We both went over to Hannah and hugged her, Taylor and I kissed her on the forehead and squeezed her hand.

"See you on the other side Champ," I said.

"Will be right here waiting baby," Taylor said.

She looked back once more and waved to us. Taylor couldn't watch and hugged me.

"She's gonna be okay babe, it's just her ankle," I said.

"I know, I just," Taylor cried in my arms.

"You have so much love for her," I said and she nodded.


"Do you wanna go home and shower? I'll be here we waiting, bring us some clothes please," I said to Taylor.

"Yeah I gotta get some coffee, do you want anything?" Taylor asked.

"I'm all set just some new clothes," I said.

"Alright I'll be back in a few," Taylor said and I hugged her goodbye.



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