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Taylor's POV

It was the end of the game. I've said goodbye to all my friends, and I was now with Donna and Jason.

Jason's POV

"Okay so, I'm going to go down and meet him, forget something and come back up?" I asked.

"Yes," Taylor said sitting in the plain dark.

"Okay I'll be back," I said, mom was staying with Taylor and I walked down to the locker rooms.

You could tell Travis was upset and angry.

"Hey Trav," I said.

"Ugh Jason! She hasn't texted me all day! She shoulda called after her flight!" Travis exclaimed.

"Maybe her phone died Trav? I wouldn't stress about it, you've been talking to her for 4 days" I said.

"Yeah I know but when I feel it, I feel it Jase, I need Taylor! I played so bad tonight! All because I missed her!!" Travis confessed.

"I know Trav. Let's go take a walk and see mom and go home," I said as he grabbed my hand and I patted his back. He was still wearing Taylor's black Zipup.

Travis's POV

Mom was in the suite, she was waiting for us. That was the suit that Taylor was supposed in. We made it up there and I took our my card to get it. It was dark, I couldn't see. I felt for the lights and I was met with the beautiful electric eyes and her blonde hair. Mom was hiding in the bathroom.

"Taylor," I said running to her and picking her up hugging her tightly swinging her around.

"I decided that sometimes, birthdays aren't the only time you need your wishes," she said.

Taylor's POV

"But your flight?" Travis asked.

"So... I kinda lied to you... I don't leave to New York for another 3 days, the same day you leave for New York," I said.

"I'll take the flight back home with you then, I'm not mad that you lied, but good job hiding this, you were here for the whole game?" He asked and I nodded.

"You really were upset I wasn't there?" I asked.

"Did you see how bad I was playing? I could only think of you," he said and he hugged me again. I smile hearing his words.

"I know, I know, Patrick came up here and told me before hand how much you couldn't shut up about me," I laugh.

"So everyone was in on this?" He asked and me Donna and Jason nodded.

"You guys are a bunch of Bafoons," he said.

"Sooo... does that me another sleepover tonight?" I asked.

"I can't say no to that face can I?" Travis says and I smile as he pinched my cheeks.

"Oh you look good in my zip up by the way," I said laughing at him.

"It's comfy and it's mine now," Travis says and he holds my hand.

"Mom, Jason, we will see you guys next week, and I'm going to spend time with my lady," Travis said and he hugged them, I did too.

We walked out into the parking lot, he looked at me in the eyes and kissed my cheek gently.

"After you my lady," he said helping me into his car.

"Okay so, it's 7 pm now, why don't we do or usual, order in? Showers? Movie and sleep? I have the next 2 days of, and I'd like to spend it with you if your okay with that?" Travis explained.

"Lets go swimming tonight pleaseeee and I wouldn't put that down any day, yes, I'd love too," I said and he held my hand as we drove to the hotel.

"Fine we can hit the pool, cool off after a long day," He said and we arrived at the hotel.

"SWEET CAROLINE!! BUM BUM BUM," He sang again and I cover his mouth.

"Shhhh again," I laugh as we walked down the halls.

This time Travis had the keys and we went into the room. I grabbed my bathing suit and changed.

"I'll order the food when we get downstairs that way we can just grab it and go," Travis said and I nodded holding his hand as we walked down to the pool.


We sat in the hot tub for a while, then we actually wanted to hang in the pool.

Travis's POV

I was standing by the deep end of the pool with Taylor wrapped in my arms. I pick her up and she squirms. I just laugh.

"Travis no!" She squeals as I toss her in.

She swims back up to the top and there was pure frowns on her face.

"I hate you," she snarks.

"You love me," I said and she swan towards me.

"Need a hand?" I questioned and she nodded.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me in.

Happy New Year's Everyone!! ~Maesie

The Boy On The Football Team {Tayvis AU}Where stories live. Discover now