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Taylor's POV

We were laying in bed after the long flight and just debriefing.

"So when do you start practicing again?" I asked him.

"September 27th, so I have a little over 3 weeks, then I have to fly to New York, for a week and I'll come back for a few and then when you have to go to New York Ill come with you for the game I have that weekend," Travis explained.

"Okay good so I have some time with you, i have a show at the blue bird Cafe next week," I said to him.

"Okay I'll be there to watch of course," Travis said to me. I lean into his chest.

"Thank you," I said to him and I fell asleep.

Travis's POV

Taylor was so exhausted from today, I just let her sleep. She was so cute. It was now 8pm, I had to get up and let the dogs out and I fed her cats for her. I decided will just grab dinner if she wakes up.

6 days later

Taylor's POV

Tonight I was performing at blue bird, I was singing a few songs from 1989 TV before the release.  So it was kinda like a mini secret sessions but it was open to a few of the public.

I woke up with Travis as I was in his arms per usual. I heard scratching at the door. I went to go open it. It was the 2 BFFs, Rambo and Benji,  those two get along so well, Olivia and Chauncey are the chill ones and Mer could care less, I let the 2 in. I swear they're human sometimes.

"Ohh someone came to see mommy and daddy huh?" Travis said.

I laugh at the fact he just made me the mother to his dogs. 

"I guess these 5 are gonna be hungry, let's go feed them," I said and we went downstairs, I let Rambo and Chauncey out and Travis fed the cats.

"Okay so you're performance is at 6 tonight?" Travis checked.

"Yes but I have to be there at 4:30, fans will arrive at 5," I said.

"How many? I don't wanna get trampled but a bunch of teenager girls," Travis laughs.

"50, it's a small venue, my team hand picked them all, even though it's 18+ event but with parents if your under the age," i explained.

"Got it," he says as we continue to do what we needed to do.

"I'll go shower now, I'll be back down," he said and I pouted.

"You wanna come with me?" He questioned and I nodded .

"Fine by me," I said and she let the dogs in and we went upstairs into the bathroom.


Taylor's POV

We showered and Travis went to go change and I did too.

I got out my makeup and started to do it and Travis was standing there in the doorway.

"You can come in," I laugh and he did, grabbing my waist.

"Man, You're so perfect," he says.

"Perfect people are boring," I said.

"Well your my boring person then," he said winking. I laugh and push him softly.

"I'll take that," I said and he wrapped me in his arms, I look up at him just admiring his green eyes.

"Almost ready my love?" He asked.

"Just need to finish my eyes and I'm done, do you wanna call the driver?" I asked him.

"No need, I'll drive, let me take this one," he said and I smile at him.

"Alrighty then, while you do that can you feed the cats?" I asked with the puppy eyes.

"Yes my dear," he laughs and leaves the bathroom.


Travis fed the cats and we were on our way to the blue bird.

The Boy On The Football Team {Tayvis AU}Where stories live. Discover now