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Taylor's POV

Hannah and Travis came back to the table, Hannah refused to eat, and Travis was trying to help her, it was nerves I guess, which is understandable.

"So the game is tomorrow, Travis you in?" Donna asked.

"If couch Reid lets me back on because I haven't been there in a couple days, then yes of course, I'd take Hannah with me to practice," Travis said.

"Hannah you excited to watch the game?" Jason asked her.

Hannah shrugged with a attentive I don't know look. She was overstimulated. I then picked her up and she went in the wheelchair and to the car. I sat in the back with her. She cried and cried. She was just to overwhelmed and I think we pushed her to hard.

"Hey, shhh, it's alright, it's okay hon," I said rocking her.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, don't be mad!" She cried.

"No one's mad at you baby, it's not your fault," I said still rocking her. Ugh we were doing so good with her. 

"It's alright, it's alright, just breathe hon," I said trying to relax her, she held onto me tightly and she cried. From the nights she had, this is the most she's wanted to be around me. 
My phone then buzzed. It was Kylie.

You alright out there? ~ Ky

Everything's fine, she just got a little overwhelmed ~ Tay 

We're just waiting on the check, will be out soon ~ Ky

Sounds good, see you then ~ Tay

I held onto Hannah as her breathing slowed down.

Travis's POV

We all walked back out to the car. I see Taylor in the back seat with Hannah and it look to me as she's been crying.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked her.

"Oh nothing, just emotional is all, but she's alright," Taylor said.

"Do you want me to take her?" I asked.
She shakes her head no.

"No it's alright she wants me right now," Taylor said and I kiss both of their foreheads and went in the front seat. You can hear Taylor softly sob.

"Babe?" I said looking in the mirror.

"She just wants her stuff back, she wants her life back," Taylor cried and I reached my hand back for her to hold. She really loves Hannah. 

We made it back to my house and I brought Hannah into the house. But Hannah cried. She wanted Taylor.

Taylor's POV

I went upstairs with Hannah, I laid her down on my bed and she just cried and cried.

"Do you want Benji?" I asked her and she nodded and I went to get the cat.

"How is she?" Travis asked.

"She wants Benji, so I guess she doesn't want to talk," I said picking up the car who has found his way to me.

"I'll come up in a little bit and I'll feed the cats, and I got a text from Reed, he wants me in the game tomorrow, what are we gonna do about Hannah." Travis said.

"Will play it by year, but I assume she'll want to be with you," I shrugged.

"I don't know she might just want to be a mommas girl for now," Travis smiles. I hug him and he kisses my cheek.

"I wish it were like this everyday minus the crying," I said. We both laugh and I go back to the room.

"I'll see you in a bit, I love you Taylor," Travis said.

"I love you too," I said and walked into the room. Hannah's sobs have lightened up when she saw Benjamin. She loves that cat.

"Wanna talk babe?" I asked her.

"Sure," she said.

"What's going on? Why are you so upset all of a sudden?" I asked.

"I just, have hope in my family who didn't love me, I still believe my dad can get better and come back to me, but I really just wanna get my stuff and come back here and never see them again. I wanna feel home Tay, I wanna never be in that again, I'm still scared, I feel forced to tell you everything, but you remind me nothing of my mom, and I just want to forget about her, I want to know the you are my mom, I wanna feel like I have a family, not feel like an extra" Hannah cried.

I look at Hannah as she cries in my arms, she just wanted to feel at home, here, at Trav and I's home.

"Oh babe, sweet girl, you are safe here forever, and when or if your dad gets better and you want to see him, we will be there with you. We are your family now, and forever we will be, we all love you, all your aunts and uncles and grandparents, we love you, and above all people you know who loves you the most, Travis, he is so so proud of you, and he would go to jail for you, I would to but I wouldn't look good in jail, I mean look at me, what I'm trying to say is that you came to us at the right moment, and since that moment we knew we've brought the right girl into our lives, you are and will always be the best daughter," I said and Hannah looked me in the eyes and hugged me tightly. Then Travis walked in at that moment. He hugged us tightly.

"We love you Hannah, your mom and I your dad love you so much," Travis said and looked at him. He crawled into the other side of the bed and laid down with us, Benji was still with us too.

The Boy On The Football Team {Tayvis AU}Where stories live. Discover now