{Chapter 1} My beginning.

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I am so happy to publish my new Eyeless Jack story! He's one of my favorites next to Toby! Ok please enjoy
I was 13 years old and running for my life,panting I pushed leaves and branches out of my face. I had to jump over hollow tree logs until I tripped over one,he was coming to kill me so I had to think of a plan. I squeezed into the empty log,holding back my tears. Suddenly the log started smashing he was stepping and breaking the log. Who was he?

My father.
I had just witnessed him stab my poor mother multiple times until she fell down the stairs,he was now hunting me and I was next. "Dad please stop!" He yanked me out of the broken log by my (H/C/H),I whimpered in fear as he knelt down to me. He placed a hand covered in my mother's blood on my cheek,making me cry harder to were I had a headache. "D-daddy?" "(Y/N) I didn't want to do this,but you tried to tattle on daddy. Didn't you?" "B-bu-but you killed mom." His smirk was deviouse and his voice was calming and phycotic. "Well your mother needed to be punished. As do you." He stood up,he grabbed a good amount of my hair and held it tight. He raised his cutting knife and aimed it at my neck,my short life was flashing before my eyes. " Wh-what are you?" He said before dropping his weapon and running,I fluttered my young (E/C) eyes as I looked up. A faceless man and three boys around the same ages as me hovered over me. The tall faceless guy reached out his long slender(see what I did there xD) hand,with no one else I can trust I hesitantly took his hand.

Where am I today? Well I work for slender man and I am now the fourth proxy. My best friends are Jeff,Jack,Masky,Hoodie,and Toby. Ah Jack,he was I don't know PERFECT I died every time we hung out. Spaced out in my cold room I heard a knock on the creaky wood door,"(Y/N) get up dude! Time for breakfast!" Jeff yelled,I groaned and sat up. I put on a (F/C) shirt,big baggy black Hoodie,and my blue jeans. It was so cold and we only do laundry once in a while so I put on my unicorn rainbow socks. I opened the door,and Jeff covered his face while laughing. "Your wearing those? In front of Jack?" Jeff was the only one who knew I liked Jack I'm actually surprised he hadn't told anyone,"Oh hahahahahahah!" I said lightly punching his shoulder,we walked downstairs to eat when I tripped on the stairs.

Preparing for a broken nose,I landed in strong warm arms. Jack. He picked me up and put me on the floor,"Hey maybe get you some new socks?" He said as he chuckled, I chuckled as well trying to hide my crimson red blushing. "Ok well I'll see you at breakfast", I nodded and followed him for breakfast. " Children it is your day off except for (Y/N) and Jack", "What? Why do we have to work?" "Child you have been skipping missions for a week." I rolled my eyes at Slender man and poked my eggs,in the corner of my eye I see Jack staring at me. I shyly smiled and continued with my breakfast.

I was in my room scribbling proxy symbols on my walls and bandanas. "(Y/N) you in here?" "No I'm totally not the one in my room." I teased sarcastically, Jack opened the door smiling. "Ready for our killing spree?" I nodded,"Just let me change." "Ok." He sat down in my desk chair,"Which means get out." "Oh yeah yeah sorry!" We both laughed and he closed the door." I put on black leather pants,a Jean jacket,and combat boots. Jack slipped on his mask and we ran out the door.

A/N hope you guys like the first chapter! Ok xoxo

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