{Chapter 13}

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Me and Jack were sitting down,not speaking or messing around. Just sitting there enjoying each other's company, I sighed and rested my head on his lap. He gently rubbed my back,I turned over to face him. "Darling do you REALLY think I'm evil?" "No my love,it was only out of anger." "But you still thought it", I sat up and looked him deeply in the eyes.

He slipped off his mask and held my hands, (Y.N) people always say stuff they don't mean." I nodded and gently kissed his soft grey cheek,we exited my room and he helped me walk down the stairs. He picked me up bridal style I wrapped my arms around his neck and he trotted to the dinning table. "Children we are running low on food and since (Y.N) is usually the one who gets it someone else must go in her place." "Sir I think I can handle it", " Are you sure child?" I nodded and grabbed my crutches.

Slenderman gave me 500$ to go to the store and buy a year worth of meals. I took a bus to a near by super market and grabbed a cart,i grabbed meat,waffles,cheesecake, ready meals,and other things. When I was in frozen food aisle I froze,there stood my father. I panicked,he saw me but I don't think he could recognize me. Than again it has been eight years,I growled as I threw a pack of sausage in the cart. Once I paid for the food I got back on the bus,I went home and let Jane and Clockwork unpacked the food.

I went into my room and slammed my fists onto the nightstand, one single tear dropped from my (E.C.E) I sighed and opened up my assault weapon droor. (Idk how to spell it) I growled and pulled out knives,I strapped them to my leg and arms.

That Night.
I opened up my window and took a deep breath,my legs were still weak but I knew I was strong enough. I lunged my body out the window, I safely rolled and landed,"Alright time to avenge my self."

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